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Pearl ran her hand through her hair, and smiled at you sweetly, getting an idea.

"Hey, you wanna fuse, y/n? Like, now?" Pearl asked you quickly, her face turning into a blush. Your pupils turned into those stars again, and your face lit up like the sun, your lips curling into a big smile.

"Of course!" you exclaimed, immediately grabbing Pearl's hands. Pearl used Steven's phone to put on some music.

You both stood up, and Pearl grabbed your hands back.

You started dancing to the beat of the music, and in the end, Pearl dipped you, and you got a tingling sensation in your gem, and you felt yourself melt.

You felt alive, but, at the same time... You didn't feel like yourself. The weight of yourself was much heavier, and your heart seemed to beat faster. No, no... It felt like you had two hearts.

"Whoa. Who are you- We?" your fusion asked out loud, looking at her long, kind of strong-looking fingers.

"Actinolite." Pearl's side of the fusion whispered. You managed to get the fusion to stand up, her legs wobbling.

"Why is it- So hard to walk!" your side of the fusion grumbled, managing to walk into the house, out of the ruins.

When the fusion got there, to your surprise, pretty much everyone was there; Garnet, Amethyst, Steven, and Connie. All their eyes shot over to you and Pearl's fusion.

"What the heck?!" Amethyst screeched, her eyebrows raising. Garnet got a big, goofy smile on her face as Steven gasped, as well as Connie. Your fusion had shoulder length, dirty blonde hair and pale skin, like Pearl's. She had hazel eyes and was about 7 feet tall - the same height as Garnet. She wore a red sweater with a star on it, and white tights, no shoes.

"Who are you?!" Steven asked loudly, his eyed widening. Actinolite smiled proudly.

"I'm Actinolite. Pearl and y/n's fusion." she told everyone. The gems and Connie went up to your fusion, and gave her a big hug.

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