"You bit me. You fucking cannibal!" Jupiter yelled while looking at the bite mark on her upper arm.

"You bitch!" Neptune yelled but before they could lunge at each other again Jughead grabbed Neptune's waist stopping her.

Neptune sighed before pulling away from Jughead and going to sit on the couch next to her, now rainbow coloured, pug.

"Do you want to sue, Mercury? Blink once if you do and blink twice if you do and I promise you, we will sue her for every penny she's got," Neptune said to her dog while stroking him.

"'Blink one of you do and blink twice if you do'? What if he don't? What if he's happy i helped him come out of the closet?" Jupiter said and Neptune glared at her.

"I will fucking bite you. Again. And how do you even know Mercury is gay?!" Neptune asked but before Jupiter could reply Veronica spoke.

"We have gay-der. As members of the LGBTQ, we know," Veronica said and Neptune rolled her eyes.

"I read somewhere that gay-dar is a myth. That people don't have gay-dar they have stereotypes," Neptune said and Jupiter shook her head.

"No, heterosexuals have stereotypes. We have gay-dar," Jupiter said and Neptune glared at her.

"You don't get to talk, you shit head," Neptune said to her sister.

"She's right though, call Kevin and he will say the same thing," Ferris said and Neptune frowned before pulling out her phone and FaceTiming Kevin.

"Hey!" Kevin said once his face appeared on screen.

"Is Mercury gay?" Neptune asked cutting straight to the point and Kevin nodded.

"Oh absolutely. He's either gay or bisexual, didn't you know?" Kevin said and Neptune shook her head.

"Wait, is that rainbow coloured dog Mercury?! That is amazing, oh my god," Kevin laughed and Neptune frowned.

"Ok, Kevin bye." Neptune said before hanging up and looking back at the group.

"You're fucking paying for Mercury to go back to his natural hair colour or so help me," Neptune said and Jupiter shook her head.

"I'm so sorry but I haven't got anymore money," Jupiter said and Neptune stood up from the couch but before she could lunge at her again Ferris stepped in-between them.

"I will pay for Mercury to get the hair dye removed. Just don't bite Jupiter again," Ferris said and Jupiter nodded.

"Yeah, you might give me rabies," Jupiter said and Neptune went to lunge at her again but Veronica and Ferris held her back.

"Well, what are we waiting for. Grab Mercury and let's go." Neptune said before storming out of the apartment the group following behind her.

Jughead, Neptune and Betty were sitting on the waiting chairs waiting for Mercury to get his fur changed back to normal. Ferris, Veronica and Jupiter had wondered off somewhere.

Neptune sighed before pulling out her phone and checking her text. She saw an unopened messaged from Jughead and opened it. She smiled after reading it before looking at him who was sitting next to her playing with a strand of his hair in boredom. Neptune was wearing his beanie.

"Why are you starring at me?" Jughead asked not looking at her still playing with a stray strand of his hair.

"Because you love me," Neptune said blushing and Jughead chuckled.

"I sent that to you at three in the morning and it's now 2pm," Jughead said looking at her and Neptune shrugged.

"I was too busy focusing on my rainbow coloured dog, I'm sorry." Neptune said and Jughead chuckled before going back to playing with a strand of his hair.

"I love you." Neptune said to him and Jughead smiled before putting an arm around her and kissing her on her forehead.

"Did you know people perm their dog's fur?!" Betty said turning the magazine she was flipping through towards the pair.

Before either of them could reply Jupiter, Ferris and Veronica walked into the salon and walked towards them. Jupiter was carrying a jar of Jellybeans with a yellow bow on it.

"I'm sorry," Jupiter said handing Neptune the jar.

"You better pray that all the hair dye comes out otherwise I'll stuff Jellybeans in all the holes in your body. Holes you didn't even know exist. You would die such a unique death you will end up in the book of world records and there would be a fucking biopic about your life. That is a fucking promise." Neptune said to her sister and Veronica blew out a puff of air while Jughead chuckled.

"And you say Jupiter's aggressive, my god," Veronica said laughing before sitting down next to Betty.

"It's safe to say she's accepted my apology." Jupiter said to Ferris who just shook his head at her.

A/n: Pride month is my favourite month. That and the month in which I was born. Oh and I also really like black history month.

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Ps: When you guys comment it motivates me to update. Just a lil heads up. Xoxo

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