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Characters from different YOI pairings swapped roles? (and swap personalities too)

(Onsen scene)

Viktor: Whaat!!?

Yuuri: Viktor, I will be your coach from now on. And I will help you win the Grand Prix Finals. *wink*

Viktor: *dazed expression*

(Agape and Eros scene)

Otabek: Listen up, Viktor. If I win, Yuuri is coming to Kazakhstan with me to be my coach!

Viktor: *shivers*

Yuuri: Cut it out... Otabek, how about you skate to Agape? And you, Viktor, will skate to Eros!

Otabek: Wtf!!??

Viktor: *shivers even more*

(Hotpot scene)

Leo: But I don't like hot pot.

Guang: Yuuri will be there too!

Leo: I'll go!
Leo and Guang: Sees naked drunk Yuuri hugging Viktor, Celestino beside and Seung trying to wake him up

Viktor: Eh heh, sorry, Yuuri had a little to much to drink.

Leo: This seems R-rated. Should I post it online?
Viktor: SEUNG!!! WHY did you post it online!?

Seung: Sorry, I couldn't help it! *sheepish grin*

('Your master' scene)

Masumi: *places hand on Viktor's rear*

Viktor: *yelps*

Masumi: Why didn't you invite me?

Viktor: Kasumi!!

Masumi: Seems like your master gave you quite a bit of training.

<I will not mention how Kasumi wanted to AHEM on the ice>

(Lift scene)

Emil: If you want to date Mila, get past me first!

Michele: Sorry, sorry.

Mila: Chill, Emil. We're just going for a bite! *turns and sees Viktor and Phichit* Hey, Viktor! Nice to see you here! *turns to Phichit* hey, do you want to go out wi-

Phichit: No.

Mila: Hey, if you're turning a lady down, can't you be more considerate?

Phichit: What benefits do I get out of being friendly with you?

Mila and Emil: WHAAAAT!!???

(Barcelona bike scene)

Yuri: Otabek. Get on.

Otabek: Wha-?

Otabek's fans: Hey that's Beka... wait, isn't that the Russian fairy, Yuri Plisetsky?

Otabek: *hops on anyway*
Yuri: And that was the time I remembered, Otabek Altin had the eyes of a soldier.

Otabek: 0_0

(silver medal scene)

Yuuri: I won't kiss it unless it's gold.

Viktor: *pounces on Yuuri* Yuuri! Please stay with me in figure skating for one more year! I will win gold this time!

Yuuri: *sparkling eyes* You MUST!!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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