Part 1

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Everything happened so fast! One day I was in my big cream coloured bedroom with purple drapes at the window sitting at my white dressing table braiding my long Golden Brown hair, with my sea green eyes staring back at me through the mirror. Sitting in my fancy pale green dress with puffed sleeves, surrounded by makeup. The next day out on the streets doing everything I could to survive.

It all started one stormy night on the hill...

The head cook had just rang the bell to tell me it was time for dinner, my husband just walked in the door. It was pouring with rain, like golf balls pummeling down on a metal sheet. As we sat down to eat I sensed something odd. He wasn't his usual happy self, but instead gloomy and upset. I asked him what was going on but all he said was, "It was a bad day at the office." I didn't push him any further as I didn't want to anger him, but all that night I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Yes ok I admit it, I am nosey, but I can't help it.

That night as I lay in my spacious bed high off of the floor underneath the big comfortable cream duvet and the silk sheets rubbing up against my freshly shaved legs. I heard Edward, my husband's, soft snore drift off into the night. I knew he was asleep, so I gently lifted my head off the goose feathered pillows and snuck out.

Gently I make my way down the hall my white fluffy silk slippers padding gently along on the floor. I reach into my pocket and grasp the small cold silver key out of my purple robe. I insert it into the key hole in the door and in I go. The maid must have been in and tidied up his office because it was spick and span. His huge oak desk tidily stacked with papers and bills. His bookcase neatly organised into categories and then alphabetically sorted. His filing cabinet locked and computer shut down.

I sit down on his thick black leather office chair and log onto his computer using his password. I search his emails until I find one that interests me, " WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Edward yelled, he was standing at the door of his office. His voice echoing like thunder. I spin my appalled head around to face him and what I see is the look of pure anger and shock.


Hi guys,

Indianna03 here. Hope you enjoyed part one. More to come!!!

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