Saturday (Concert Night)

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(It's been 2 hours since the concert began. It's still going great without the fangirls going extremely insane, no affense to any of you girls. Both performers just finished 'The Last Unicorn' after their last wardrobe change as the crowd still cheered.)

Danny's POV

"Thank you... thank you guys.", I announced, "Before we get to the last two fan-favorite songs, I have to surprise you all!" The crowd went insane. "Remember I told you all about 'Under The Covers 2'? Well there's one song I do want to perform tonight!", I announced smiling happily, "I have a very, very, very special guest to duet with." Crowd went crazy again but I'm used to it.

"This guest is one of my greatest friends. Even though she broke my heart the first day I met her, she made up for it.... and I must admit that I returned the favor and hurt her.... and she forgave me for it..... and we became friends from now on.", I announced, feeling tears in my eyes, not just from the love of my fans, but the presence of Rubia in the middle row.

"The guest I'll bring up.... is very dear to my heart, I love her so much!", I said, "without further ado, I'd like Miss Rubiphire Garnet to come up to the stage please.... and we're gonna sing an 80's favorite that you all will be excited about..... Toto's, 'Africa'!" The cheering crowd became happily crazier as Rubia walked on stage, cell phones were all out, even Chris had his out.

"You look absolutely gorgeous tonight.", I whispered to her. "Thank you, Danny.", she whispered back. Her outfit was totally leopard, her adorable off-the-shoulder mini dress, her high-wedged sandals, her fingerless leather gloves, and all the jewelry that matched.

"Are you ready for this?", I whispered as the crowd settled down. "Absolutely, babe.", she whispered. During the performance, she totally rocked the stage as if it was hers, she danced like a sassy stripper or something like that. The crowd went absolutely nuts!

Before the next song started, I asked the crowd for her to stay, they cheered in excitement. "Danny, what's the next song?", she asked me. "You know this one by heart, I know you do!", I replied. "How do you kn---", she said, but interrupted her by singing the lyrics:

🎵 Lady I, have been told that you only date nice guys.... 🎵

She nearly freaked out, tears filled her eyes, As I continued, I knelt down to her size and hugged her to try calming her down. But when I sang: 🎵I'm the most sensitive man on God's green earth🎵, she screamed. She sang most of it with me, then I allowed her to take over the rest.

At the end of the song, she told me, "Leigh Daniel Avidan, I-I can't tell you how much I love you---I-I-I'm speechless." "Don't worry, you've told me, so many times.", I simply replied, "how bout you stay up here..... please, for one more song?" She nodded yes, the crowd went insane.

As the concert ended, I announced that if anyone had backstage passes to come see me and Brian, they can come.

(8:28 pm)

I met Chris and the other grumps backstage. "Great job on tonight, Dan, you did awesome!", Suzy complimented. "Thanks.", I replied. "Dude, you were amusing tonight, really good stuff out there!", Barry commented. "Oh Bar, so nice of you to say.", I said. "What really surprised me is having Rubia perform with you! She's totally got moves, maybe she should be a performer like you!", Ross says. "Truly astonishing, eh?", Rubia asked, "Chris, do you have anything to say about tonight's show?"

"Yeah. Dan, I must say you're a man of your work. You're truly gifted, you're very lucky to have my GF as a great friend.", Aguayo said. "Don't brag, Chris.", huffed Rubi. "Thanks, Chris, I never thought you'd say something like that to me.", I replied. "Hey, I'm a pretty big fan of yours.", he said. "This calls for a picture!", Suzy said, pulling out her phone, "Smile, lovelies!" She immediately took the pic.

"Send it to my phone, Suzy.", Rubia said. "No problem, I'll send it asap!", Suzy replied. "We'll see you two, Monday!", Ross said, he and the others then left. "I'll see you when I get home, princess.", Chris said to Rubia, they quickly kissed each other and then he left.

"Great job, Dan.", Rubia said. "Same to you, doll." I replied, picking her up, I love doing that shit. "Hey Dan.... I want you to have this...", she said, taking off her necklace, she placed it around my neck.

"Really?", I asked. "Consider my necklace as.... a token of our friendship.... forgetting the past and thinking about the future.", she replied. I'm totally speechless, all I could ever do was.... cry I guess. I couldn't thank her enough.

"You can totally thank me later if you'd like.", she said. I tried not to shed a single tear, but failed. I cried, but silently only she could hear me. "Awwwwww.....", she cooed quietly, she patted my back to console me, "I know you're happy for me to be in your presence again, and I'm happy to see you...."

"I'm extremely happy right now, these aren't tears of sadness..... these are tears of.... joy.", I said softly. "I know they are, babyboy.", she replied. I couldn't help but to cry happy.

(17 minutes later)

Rubi's POV

I was glad that the concert went well without crazy fans, bras and panties thrown on stage, Ninja Brian not stabbing anyone, I mean I know that's his ego but still, no messups, or anything else. This time, I returned the favor and drove Danny home in my ol' Lasy. Yeah, I named my RV, so what.

"It was so nice of you to return the favor, I knew you would.", he said. "That's what the greatest friends are for...", I replied. "You're right, Rubia.", he responded. "Hopefully we can do all those plans you promised next week.", I implied. "Well, I'll think on it.... I promise you.", he replied.

As soon as I arrived at his place, I said to him, "Tonight was greater than last." "Absolutely. I'll see you on Monday.", he replied. "Um... Danny... about the.... kiss.", I said. "Say no more, darling.", he softly replied, he pressed his lips against mine and we kissed, only this time, he returned a favor and stuck his tongue in my mouth, we both moaned a little, but who cares?

"I love you... so fucking much, Rubibabe!", he said to me. "Same here.... Danny Sexbang!", I teased, "Good night, sweet dreams, pumpkin." "Night, love.", he replied and got out the vehicle. He waved me goodbye and I drove off. Man do I love him, but not as much as my Knight!

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