Friday (Rehearsal Day)

17 2 9

(2:30 PM at the Staples Center, all musicians were tuning their instruments and playing them a little bit)

3rd Person

Dan sat alone on the stage, he still felt bad that Rubia won't come to the concert tomorrow night. He wouldn't let that get to him though no matter.

"Well well well, if it isn't Danny Sexbang!", Arin said coming to him. "Hey, Arin.", Dan greeted. "Are you just about to go over everything?", Arin asked him. "I guess so, hopefully I don't cry during a song.", Dan answered. "Dan, no worries. You won't cry, will you?", Arin replied. "I promised myself I won't, but I can't help it.", Dan responds, he felt tears in his eyes.

"C'mon, Dan, I know you can get over it.", Arin said. "Hopefully I can, but I can't bare this pain...", Dan cried, tears strolling down his face. Arin crouched down and hugged him. "Don't cry, you'll be okay. Tomorrow night, you're Danny Sexbang, everyone is expecting to see you!", he said. "I know, I know. But this isn't me now!", Danny sobbed. "Cheer up, you'll be fine afterwhile.", Arin said, "c'mon let's get this rehearsal over with, ok?" Dan nodded calming down. "I'm okay for now, Arin, thanks for talking with me and making me feel better.", he said. "No problem, Leigh.... I love you.", Arin replied sneaking a kiss on Dan's cheek, which made him smile.

"Ok, places everyone, we have a show to perform tomorrow. We'll go through the listed songs once first then if we need to, we'll practice the ones that need it! Is that clear?!", Arin announced. "Absolutely!", Brian called.

(4 hours later after the last song)

"Wooooohooo! Encore, encore!", a voice called from the seats. "What are you doing here, whoever you are?", Arin asked. "Oh c'mon, are you saying that I can't be here to not see my favorite guys?!", the voice said strolling down the isle, it sounded familiar to Dan.

"Lol favorite guys, eh?", Arin teased. "Uh like yeah, Arin!", the voice called. "How do you know me, mystery person?", Arin asked. "Because, dude, I work with you at the Grumpspace, you're the one who gave me this week off!", the person replied. "Wait a minute. Week off? Grumpspace?", Dan questioned. The only person he knew was.....

"Rubiphire?!!", Dan called. "Hell yeah, dude!", Rubia called which made Dan jump off the stage and run to her. He picked her up and hugged her tightly. "Rubia.... I missed you..... I missed you so fucking much!", he said to her, "why did you come here?" "Why would I miss out on seeing my favorite guy rehearse for his big concert tomorrow night?! I definitely wanted to surprise you, and I did.", Rubia replied.

Dan was so happy that tears flowed down his face. "I thought you weren't going to the concert, Arin told me.", he spoke. "Arin lied. I got the last two tickets for Chris and I last night, dude.", Rubi said running her small fingers through her friend's poofy hair. "I love you, Rubia, I love you so much! I'm glad you came to see me!", Dan happily sobbed. "I love you too, Leigh Daniel, I wouldn't have missed this.", Rubia replied, piling kisses on Dan's forehead.

"You know, I was thinking... maybe if we can do that duet together... at the concert.", Dan said. "What?! You've gotta be kidding me, Danny.", Rubia said. "I've asked Toto, the original artists, if we can cover 'Africa', and the band definitely said yes!", Dan excitingly replied.

"I'm surprised.... but I thought you didn't know about duets.", Rubia said. Dan shook his head no. "I actually did, I just wanted to see you priceless reaction.", he said. "Very cute and funny, Danny.", Rubia teased, she saw Danny blush at her. "So uh... about the duet... would you like to do it with me, my dear friend?", he asked. "Of course I will, my sweet widdle Danny you!", Rubia answered ruffling up his hair.

"I love you, Rubia!", he said. "I love you too, baby boy.", she replied. "Hey, you two should kiss!", Arin called. "Whatever, Hanson!", Rubia called back. "Kiss me then!", Dan said, and then both their lips intertwined. Then Christopher, Rubiphire's boyfriend busted in, catching them kiss. Rubia suddenly stopped.

"Chris, it's not what it looks like!", she said hanging upside down from Dan's waist. "Whatever. At least I still love you.", he sneered. "Don't worry, he's just my side boi, unless it's okay with him.", Rubi said. "It's totally fine with me.", Dan said. "Meh, I'm not mad, I'm OK with it, as long as you two aren't fucking.", Chris replied. "We won't, and I won't let him smash.", Rubes says. "Ok, I'll see you all tomorrow night, unfortunately.", Chris said and walked out. "Te amo, mi rey!", Rubi called back raising herself up. "Yo también te amo, mi reina!", Chris called back.

"Now where were we?", Dan asked seductively. "Oh yeah...", Rubia replied, pressing her lips against his. She then took an initiative and stuck her tongue in his mouth to make the mood more seducive. "Get a room, you two!", Brian called. "Shut up, dude, let 'em be!", Arin said.

"Put 'Africa' before the last 2 songs, please Brian?", Dan asked. "Fine.", Brian replied. "Tomorrow night will be great, Danny, I can't wait.", Rubia said. "Neither can I, babygirl, I can't wait to see you in the audience will millions of other people.", Dan replied.

"Danny, what did I say about that name?", Rubi teased. "Whatever, I still love you.", Dan replied rolling his eyes. "I'll stay here so that we can practice our duet together.", Rubia said. "Sure thing, sweetheart.", Dan responds and pecks her cheek.

Everything was alright then, the rehearsal kept going even with an additional song being rehearsed.

(9:45 pm)

Danny's POV

"That sure was a great rehearsal, Dan. I enjoyed it so much!", Rubia said to me once everyone else left home. "I'm glad you did, and I'm so glad you came to see me.", I replied. "Hey, you would've been a goner if I didn't show up here.", Rubi insisted. "You're right. To tell you the truth, I missed you so much that I couldn't hardly focus on the concert.", I admitted. "Awwww.", she cooed. "I know, I really thought about you.", I said.

"Well, tomorrow's the big night baby boo, you need your rest.", she said. "I understand that. Would you like me to drive you home?", I spoke. "Sure you can, Chris dropped me off anyways. He's probably still up watching 'The Walking Dead' series.", she replied.

6 minutes later almost at Rubia's home.

"Y'know, Dan, I've actually thought about you.... all this time when I had this week off. It was great, I did so many things I wanted to accomplish, and they're all complete.", Rubia said to me. "Wow, I'm proud of you.", I replied. I wonder what she did. "Hopefully everyone else missed me.", Rubia sighed. "They did, they can't wait to see you again at the Grumpspace on Monday.", I say.

"I know you've missed me the most, I understand you.", she consoled. "Yeah, I felt like an emotional wreck all this week.", I replied, "but at least----" "I surprised you by coming to your rehearsal, which was one of your friendly plans.", she interfered.

As soon as we got to her house I said, "I had a great time with you tonight." "So did I, good night, Danny.", she replied and kissed me on my cheek. She got out waving goodbye. I then drove home thinking about tomorrow, it'll be such an amazing time, I know it will!

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