Gaara x Reader : Hiiiiii!!!!!

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Chapter 1

(The old cover is ☝ there in case you still wanted to see it)
"no leave me alone." you screamed from yes, another nightmare that plagues you in your sleep.

No one is there to hold you and tell you everything is going to be okay because everyone hates you.

Now for another day of school and mean bullies. You walk around your middle school yard talking to Shukaku. He always tells you fascinating stories about ninjas and his other holder in another dimension called Gaara. You love to hear about Gaara because you fell in love with him.

Shukaku treated you like his daughter and warmed up to you. He would never let you get hurt. Your real parents never even gave you the time of day.They ignored you but with Shukaku you were fine. You both never new when or how you became his holder but you were both fine with it.

As you were walking and talking a stupid jock threw a ball at you. Of course Shukaku's sand protected you without being detected by anyone. They all avoided you as usual. They called you a demon because they didn't understand you.

One of the reasons people avoided you was because you talked to Shukaku aloud. Kinda creepy but whatever. They were still going to avoid you. Shukaku was apart of you so he could read your mind.

"(You), I want you to go to my dimension and meet Gaara and Naruto" said Shukaku.

He already knew your answer so you jumped into the blood red portal. You landed right in the middle of Gaara and Lee's fight in the exams. They both passed by the interruption.

You what was going to happen since you read the manga and the anime. All of them. You proudly held your head high as a Narutard.

Everyone stared at you after the daring words came out your mouth. " Hi, I'm looking for Gaara and Naruto"

Gaara x Reader : The Dimensions of Your HeartWhere stories live. Discover now