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[shane has logged on]

sara 👽: HE'S HERE

SAFIYA 💀: you've got some SERIOUS explaining to do

shane: why can't we just

shane: drop it forever and pretend like i never said it

sara 👽: because it's clearly bothering you !!!

sara 👽: how long has this been going on !!!

shane: this is so embarrassing

shane: i want to die

SAFIYA 💀: just tell us how long you've had the hots for ryan

shane: i don't know

shane: probably like ??? a month ??? or three ???

sara 👽: so why did you just ghost him ??? you knew you were hurting his feelings

shane: because everything he does is just so UNBEARABLE

shane: if we would have skyped i probably would have said something that made it obvious

shane: besides i don't even know if he would like me back if he knew

SAFIYA 💀: ???????????????

SAFIYA 💀: what why

shane: do we even know if he's into guys

shane: or for that matter is he even single

shane: i literally want to die

sara 👽: ok ok ok calm down i'll talk to him

sara 👽: but i have a feeling you're worried for no reason

shane: please don't make it obvious :((((

sara 👽: ok !!!!! you got it dude 

sara 👽: i'm basically the queen of subtlety 

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