Chapter 2: Take A Break

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Five days. Five freaking days. That's how long it took for me to finally catch a break.

Don't get me wrong-- I absolutely love my career, and being wealthy and nearly famous has it perks. But I never get a break-- for the last two years, whenever I wasn't acting I was networking, socializing, doing anything I could to make people know my name.

Ever since we landed in New York City it's been interview after interview, talk show after talk show, party after party. It's fun and all, but utterly exhausting.

"Alright, Ms. Price. Only one interview today, a short one for some morning television show. The rest of the day you will be getting ready for the premiere!" Rose squealed with excitement, and I sighed.

"Another interview? Must we do another one? This has got to be the seventh one in four days--"

"The fourth one dear, just the fourth. Now go get ready, we're leaving in an hour."

I gave another sigh, exhausted. If I could only get a break. Just an hour or two, that's all I need... just an hour or two to myself.

And then I got an idea. Like one of those ideas where a lightbulb goes off inside your head, and all of a sudden everything makes sense.

I crossed the living room of our suite and went to my bedroom for the week to get supplies.

I searched my still unpacked suitcases as frantically as I could, looking for something to pass as 'normal'. "C'mon, anything black, something black and casual," I muttered to myself. Just two hours. Please.

My search was rewarded with a pair of black skinny jeans, a barely worn casual black t-shirt, black converse, and a black hoodie.

Rose is going to absolutely kill me, I thought to myself as I shoved the clothes into a bag.
Is this even worth all the trouble?

I had no problem answering that question.
Of course.

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"And now we have a special guest joining us, a rising actress from England, give it up for Amelia Price!"

Applause filled the audience as I walked onto the set, flashing them a smile and small wave.

"Have a seat, have a seat Ms. Price. Or may I call you Amelia?"

"Whichever you prefer ma'am," I said as I took a seat, and the woman hosting gave me a big smile.

" 'Ma'am'! Oh you're so polite. Tell us Amelia, how is it you came into the acting industry?"

"Well, I've loved acting ever since I was ten, and about two years ago I started auditioning for various films. I had low expectations, but producers must have seen something they liked in my auditions, because here I am," I said, earning me some laughter from the audience.

"It's hard to see how producers-- well, anyone really-- could not like you! Do you have any auditions coming up, anything big and exciting planned?"

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