ch. 2 | ✧

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Clarissa woke up from her sleep to the sound of quiet laughter. Well, not exactly quiet, more like an attempt to be quiet.

"Fred, George, what on earth are you doing? It's practically two in the morning!" She whisper-yelled.

"Don't you worry, lil sis. You're safe from our beginning of the school year prank-" Fred began followed by George, "For now..."

"Gee thanks," Clarissa rolled her eyes then pulled her blanket back and stood up.

The older twins were standing over a sleeping Ron with various bottles of Merlin-knows-what.

She grinned. "How can I help?"

Everyone in the Weasley clan moved hurriedly through the burrow. Ron, whose hair was rapidly changing colors from pink to green, was stuffing breakfast down his throat after he had woken up late. Fred and George had lost part of a joke set they had gotten for their birthday that they wanted to bring to Hogwarts to show their friend Lee. Percy was ranting about how he was "bound to have an awful school year if this was the environment he was to start his first day in" while Mr. Weasley was yelling at him to shut his trap and start bringing down some school trunks. Ginny was crying because of separation anxiety and Molly was comforting her, all while cleaning up from the mornings breakfast.

Clarissa, on the other hand, was sitting quietly on her school trunk in her and Ron's bedroom. After she finished helping the twins with their prank on Ron, she went back to sleep. She had dreamed about the sorting ceremony, and in the dream she had gotten into a fight with the sorting hat and it ended up making a whole new house called Grunglebunk just so she would have to sit alone for the rest of her time at Hogwarts.

It was actually quite a funny dream, looking back in it, but it worried her. Why was she so nervous about it anyways? She would be in Gryffindor just like her siblings. It was tradition!

She sighed and stood up, brushing off her musty dark green dress.

"Everyone get in! We leave in 3 minutes!" She heard her mum call from downstairs.

With that, she grabbed her trunk and began to make her way down the stairs, trying to look in the bright side.

At least she would no longer have to share a room with Ron.

"Um excuse me, Miss... I w-was wondering if you could show me how to-uh-" a scrawny raven haired boy stammered out, gesturing to the platform.

"Oh of course dear. Don't be nervous, it's Ron and Clarissa's first day as well!" Molly answered cheerfully, "just run right into that wall and-" Clarissa scoffed. "I'm sure that's quite reassuring."

"Oh hush, Clarissa."

With that she helped the boy position himself before he ran onto the platform, his face flinching as he made contact with the ghost bricks.

"All right you two, are you ready?" Mrs. Weasley squeals to her youngest set of twins. They both nodded.

"Hey, do you and that filthy rat want to race to the platform?" Clarissa whispered in Ron's ear.
"He's not a filthy rat!"
"I was talking to Scabbers." She smirked.

"Fine. Prepare to eat brick, toad face." Ron said, grinding his teeth.

"You just tell yourself that, dirt head."

Both of the red headed children then ran as far as they could pushing their carts with a yelling Molly Weasley behind them.

Once they past the platform, they stopped and stared at the scenery. The place was packed with witches and wizards alike and the Hogwarts express stood gleaming on the tracks. It was impressive, even to the twins who had grown up in the midst of magic.

"You two can't keep doing that." Molly said as she caught up to her children.

She eyed the twins and sighed.
"You two are taking a big step today, by it'll be great. I promise." She started, crouching down to her children's level, "You'll go up in front of the school and be sorted into Gryffindor where you'll carry on our legacy and do great things in this world, I just know it."

A loud whistle rang through the building signaling it as time to go.

"Goodbye mum, miss you already!" Clarissa shouted back to her mother as she hopped on the train, Ron following close behind.

"Goodbye dear, make us proud!"

And with that, Molly stood next to her husband and youngest daughter watching the train leave gallantly.

As much as he knew she would miss her children, she was glad that she would finally get some peace and quiet.

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