5. Well, this is awkward

Start from the beginning

'Come here boy!' I yell at him with a happy voice.

The dog runs to me and sits on my lap. Like he knows what I want from him, smart boy. Dogs can be really smart, I know that, but I have never seen one. Most of the dogs just want a bone and then they're happy. This one doesn't look that stupid, but I don't exactly know how to notice a smart dog. You can't start talking to them, wait for the answer and guess if it's a smart or dumb answer.

'Good boy, now let me see if you have a name.'

Great, he doesn't have a collar, so no name. I pet him, while I'm trying to make up a name for him. He's going to be my new friend, the first one I've made at this school. Not that it's hard to make a dog like you, but still. I like to think of him as a friend, it's too bad I don't have any food with me. Although, he doesn't look hungry, maybe he isn't a street dog.

'What's your name, boy?' I whisper in his ear.

He looks at me with his big blue eyes, like he understands every word I say. It looks pretty creepy, but I know I'm just being stupid. Dogs aren't that smart, they just react on the tone of the words. It doesn't matter what I say, if I keep saying it in the same tone. His wet fur starts to get smelly, like wet dog. That makes sense, he's a dog and wet, silly me.

The dog starts licking my face, which tickles. I can't hold my laughter and lay down in the water. With my hands, I try to push him of me, but it doesn't work. He's pretty strong for a husky. I've got the feeling that I'm laughing really loud and that people are watching me, hiding behind the trees. It's a stupid thought, but I'm weird, so I can think like that.

'Please stop it, I'm serious!' 

The more I beg the dog to stop, the more it looks like he's enjoying himself. That's strange for a dog, even I know that. I don't have much time to think, because he jumps on top off my stomach. It hurts like hell, this dog has sharp nails. My stomach begins to hurt, not only from the nails,  but also from laughing so hard.

'Bad boy, stop!'

I manage to push him off me and control my laughter. The dog runs away, maybe his owner calls him. I turn around and see him run off with something in his mouth. Are those my clothes? You can't be serious. As fast as I can, I run to him and try to get my clothes back. That dog's fast, but that doesn't stop me from trying to catch him. 

'Give that back! You stupid dog! I want my clothes, give them to me!' I yell at him.

Without realizing it, I'm running to the edge of the woods, still chasing the dog. It must look stupid, a girl chasing a dog in her underwear. I don't really care, I'm used to make a fool out of myself. Most of the people here don't even know me or my name, so it doesn't matter. Besides I'm pretty confident with my body and I think a bikini looks exactly the same, so it can be that too. 

My eyes are so focused on the dog, I don't see anything happening in front of me. Before he speeds up, I jump on top of him and take my clothes out of his mouth. The dog looks at me with a sad look in his eyes, it looks so cute. I can't help myself and pet him for a while. Dogs really are my weakness. 

All of a sudden I hear someone coughing and turn around. The dog runs away from me and disappears. Because I'm still sitting on the grass, I can only see a pair of feet in front of me. As I stand up, I can see who's standing in front of me. O shit, sexy dude who I punched. Well, this is awkward. 

Why does this always happens to me? I haven't done anything wrong in a few weeks, it's been going so good. When I realize I'm standing in my underwear, I can't control the fact that my cheeks are turning red. Damn, second time he's seen me like this.

He can't stop staring and it's pretty annoying, so I decide to put my clothes back on. After I've dressed myself, I look at him, waiting if anything will come out of his mouth. I can just leave, it's not like he'll care. Maybe he doesn't even notice I'm gone.

'Yes, I will.' He says.

What? I'm sure I haven't said that out loud. Can he read my mind or something? If that's the case, I really need to stop calling him "sexy dude who I punched". Don't judge me, I just don't know his real name and it's catchy.

'Yeah, I'm a mind reader, you figured it out. Pretty fast too, faster than most others.' 

Please, say that he hasn't heard everything. I can kill myself right now if he has, if he knows I'm already dead, so it doesn't really matter anymore. Why do I always need to come up with stupid nicknames? I'll stop with those right now. No more "sexy dude who I punched".

'So, you think I'm sexy?' A smile appears on his face.



So that's it for this chapter! 

Who would have thought that "sexy dude who I punched" was a mind reader? Maybe the tags gave it away, but it would still be impressive. I mean, anybody in that school could be the mind reader, you couldn't know for sure!

And what's up with that strange dog? Which dog steals clothes and tickles people like that? A bit weird, but you'll find out more about that soon enough.

A pic of the dog on the side, so you can really see how he looks. I think he's pretty cute, don't you?

Guys, also check out my new book; Born In Prison. There's one chapter online now and I'm busy writing the second...

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