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' Looking at it now, it all seems so simple.
We were lying on your couch, I remember.
You took a Polaroid of us,
Then discovered,
The rest of the world was black and white.'


Jacob left Alaska at the Cullen's as he was talking to Sam and everyone else about how they were going to take the Devil. But Alaska was staring over the Dagger in a glass case and she heard footsteps walking over to her.

"Hey, Alaska." The voice stated and the girl looked over to see Bella with a small smile on her face.

The woman nods and gives her a small smile as well, but then it disappears and she looks back over to the Dagger. "You okay?" The vampire asked and the woman nods her head.

"I just have a lot on my mind." She mumbled and Bella nods her head while walked over to her.

"Well, we are about to start training soon with the wolves, Jacob called saying that they are in." She told the woman as she nods her head.

"Okay." She stated and Bella furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" She asked and the woman looked over Bella.

"You've been in this situation before, where it's your fault for this whole war, right?" She asked and Bella looked towards the ground.

"Yes." She said with a nods if her head.

"How did you end it?" She asks and Bella smiled slightly.

"Took a step back and allowed my family to do it. They knew that I wasn't ready to stop it, but I could fight by their side and that's all that mattered." She said while Alaska shook her head.

"But Lucifer can kill all of you, without a warning or an army." She told Bella and she shrugged.

"Doesn't mean that we can't beat him. Just trust in your friends and family." Bella said while rubbing her shoulder on comfort.

Alaska smiled and nods her head while Bella walked away and Alaska pushed the glass of the Dagger and grabbed it while weighing it in her hands.

"I'm not going to allow my family to die for me, thought Bella." She whispered and carefully hid it while placing the glass over an empty display. "And no one is going to stop me." She breathed out and started making her way to the training field as she hid the Dagger under a pile of leaves, until the war.

She saw Edward smile over her and she carefully hid the memory of the Dagger away from him and thought of the war and Lucifer instead.

As Emmet and Rosalie stood by the brunette, the wolves circled around them as Sam growled lowly at the girl. She then saw Jacob in his wolf form and he bowed his head lowly.

"They still don't trust us?" Emmet asked in shock as Edward smirked.

"They don't want to seem like they are weak. Alaska, explain everything that might happen." Edward said and Alaska stepped out front.

"What's going to happen is Lucifer, and he will be alone." She said as Edward looks over Sam.

"Sam wants to know why only him." He said and Alaska nods.

"Because he's cocky, and he knows that he could snap everyone's spine in a matter of seconds." She stated and the held up a pendant.

"Unless you have this." She said while Bella looks over it in confusion.

"What is it?" She asked and Alaska smirked.

"Something I learned over the years of being his side kick, this pendant is a protection charm and will stop magic from happening, but that also mean no wolf transformations." She said sadly and Jacob growled.

"He wants to know what they can do then." Edward explained and Alaska nods.

"Carlisle and I are going to make potions that will hopefully work." She said sadly and Sam raises an eyebrow making Alaska sigh. "It could possibly work, but the chances are fifty fifty." She explained as he nods.

Edward looks over her. "He's willing to take the chance." He told her as she smiled.

"Now, Lucifer likes to have surprises up his sleeves and that would mean demons to occupy your time, so he can get the chance to kill you." She said as Seth looked over Edward.

"Why just occupy? Can't they do anything?" He asked and Alaska shook her head.

"They can't do anything, they just have strength like new born vampires." She said and Sam shook his fur.

"So, ready to test these out?" She asked and Sam nods as Jasper smirks and the vampires start training.

Alaska looks over Jacob and carefully walks over to him and slouches her body over his fur. "You need to be careful." She breathed out and he growled making her furrow her eyebrows.

"Don't say that you are careful, because you're not." She told him softly as he nods and once practice was over, Alaska looked over the Cullen's and waved towards them as she hopped on Jacobs back.

"Come on, let's go home." She stated as he nods and they walked in the forest and towards the Reserve.


< Edited >

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