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As soon as those words left Barry's mouth Patrick couldn't help but throw himself at the Bee.
They're lips, do bees have lips?, met in a needing passion not wasting a second as they removed each others clothes.
Just as Patrick was about to remove his Fedora, that isn't even a real fedora, Barry stopped him.
" Keep it on " He said. " You look sexy with it on (((;;;;; "
Patrick blushed. He had no idea that Barry would have a fedora kink. That thought was soon cut off as he began to question how the fuck Barry said (((;;;;.
Oh well
" A-alright " Patrick said shyly, a nervous expression on his face.  he's never done this before,Not with a bee at least.
Barry took notice of this. " Its alright Patty, I'll make sure you have a good time. "
Patrick's heart fluttered at the nickname, his fears starting to slip away.

he Bee smiled as he saw the soul voiced angel start to relax. "Good boy... Now get on you're hands and knees for me princess. "
Patrick nodded, obeying the insect's, is a bee an insect??, words.
Barry took a second to admire the person in front of him. He was perfect. His radiant pale skin, strawberry blond hair, and of course DaT thicc ass.
His thoughts were cut by Patrick's whimpering.
" P-please Barry, hurry up. I need you. "
Barry chuckled. How could he deny him?
" This may hurt at first, But I promise it'll start feeling amazing. " And with that Barry started to push in.
Barry wasn't lying when he said it would hurt. Because damn, it really fUCKing hurt. But soon enough that pain began to turn into pleasure.
" OooooOoOOOoOH Barry don't stop! " He moaned, grasping the sheets.
This continued for a while, in till suddenly, Patrick felt a small pinch inside of him.
" Ow Barry what the f- Oh no. " Patrick gasped as he realized what it was. Barry had stung him.
He turned around only to see that it was too late, Barry was lying lifelessly on the bed.
Patrick sat there silently for a few moments before a smirk began to form on his lips.
He slowly took his fedora off of his head to reveal a zipper.
He unzipped himself and placed the body suit onto the floor

It had been shrek the whole time.
The Ogre roared a mighty RawrXD at his victory.
" There can only be one dank animated kids movie meme, and that's mE."
He left the house to retreat to his swamp, leaving the bees corpse there to rot.


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