Chapter 1

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The wind blew harshly, brining tears to Shixxus’ eyes and blowing his long black hair back. The voices in his head screamed loudly and he fought to hear what each voice was saying. They shouted all at once, echoing loudly. Trying to control his breathing he looked down over the edge. Pedestrians on the sidewalk were like ants, their faces indistinguishable from this high up. This was the highest building he could find. He shouted out into the wind, ‘Quiet!’ but as always, the voices didn’t listen. They just got louder and more erratic screaming, ‘KILL YOURSELF! Jump! Jump! You are nothing, worthless… never beloved, pathetic. Jump! Kill yourself! Worthless! Kill yourself! Alone! Kill yourself!’
Shixxus looked down once again and practised another futile act… hope. He hoped that when he hit the ground his body would be an unrecognisable mess and that his soul would shatter with his bones. He hoped this would be his last death. He had died 642 times before this. He was used to dying. HE just hoped this death would be final. He closed his eyes and leaned forward falling off the edge. The wind blew through him as he fell and he couldn’t help but scream as the ground rushed towards him. He felt it all… the full impact. Every broken bone, every shattered organ, every spill of blood. His soul hovered in his body allowing him to fully experience his death. Every nerve ending dying, every body part that wasn’t mush shutting down. He felt it all… excruciating, incomprehensible pain. Only once his death was fully complete and he was a stain on the sidewalk did darkness claim him.
Exactly 3 minutes and 33 seconds later he awoke. Same as always. Hope was futile, his curse was forever. His body wasn’t healed from his previous death; it was still a gory mess on the sidewalk. He was now in a new body. The curse was so strong that when he died his soul pushed out the soul of another living being and he took over that body. The soul he pushed out died. 642 people had died so far. Every time he died so did someone else and he had to carry that with him. The families of the bodies he went through had to find their loved one’s dead after committing suicide. They had to live with that and wonder why. His curse had ruined so many lives, brought so much pain to the world and he had to bear it all. He was the new god of suicide, cursed to die for all eternity.
He wasn’t always the unluckiest man in existence. He was once happy, adored and in love. He was once the ancient god of the sun. The first god of the sun, one of the most powerful and revered of the gods. He made the sun rise and set. His hair shone and he was covered in a glowing aura of light that made all weak at the knees. He was the envy of all and wanted by many but he had eyes only for one other. The mood goddess Seleenia. He was head over heels in love with her from the first time he laid eyes upon her and he knew she felt the same. The sun and the moon.
But duty came first.
She was presented to the creator and became his bride. Shixxus knew not of the plan to take down the creator and foolishly challenged the creator for her heart. As if he had a chance against the very universe itself. He was humiliated, his defeat paraded for all to see. He was a warning to others and a way for the creator to show off his divine power. He was stripped of his godname, he couldn’t remember who he was before he became Shixxus. His previous godname as sun god was stricken from the universe. He was made the god of suicide. Every suicidal thought was streamed into his mind and echoed louder and louder until he was compelled to take his life.
When he did, his soul hovered in his body and he fully experienced the death, feeling more pain than anybody else. Then 3 minutes and 33 seconds later his soul forced out a human soul and he was re-awoken in their body and the voices returned. This was his curse. To be driven to death repeatedly, never finding peace, not even for a second.
Until the creator made humanity forget the gods. The creator became mortal and Shixxus’ curse ended. He died and he stayed dead. That was until the creator spoke the words, ‘know me’, then he was awoken in a new body and the voices returned crueller than ever as the world had steeped even deeper into darkness and depression.
‘Know me.’ The words that restarted his curse. Yet they were not the only words spoken by the creator. He also named his firstborn, Kajiian as saviour of the earth and gave him 666 days to find a way to kill him. Kajiian needed sacrifice, blood and life. The more blood and life force, the stronger the spell. Cut your hand, shed a few drops of blood and take a couple years off your life and you can make a spell. Cut someone open, spill their blood and take their life and you have a much stronger spell. Take an immortal life, it’s stronger life force and if you kill a god, well that’s a whole lot of magic. Imagine if you could kill a god over and over again? A resurrection spell wouldn’t happen because by bringing a person back you are restoring their life force but with Shixxus when he dies he changes bodies making the new body godly. The god of suicide, the curse of god was now a blessing and could be the downfall of the creator. To Kajiian, to the end. His deaths were going to have meaning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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