Homeward Fun

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       I beat my cancer and went home with my new family. I was nervous but excited! When we got home, I played with Summer and Snowy. Summer and Snowy decided we should play captive! They tied me to the bed and pretended to be guards. "Alright," commanded Snowy, "where did you hide the treasure?"

"I don't know what you're talking about! I only wanted to give our sick family food and shelter!"

"Liar! Private Summer, let's get her to talk!" Summer started tickling my sides, while Snowy tickled my thighs. "Hahahahaha oh god hahahahaha stop hahahahaha!"

"Not until you tell the truth!"

"Hahahaha I aham telling the truth hahahaha!" Just after I said that, Summer moved up to my armpits, and I had no way to defend myself. This alone went on for 10 minutes, before Summer and Snowy smirked at each other. "Guys...w-what are you doing?"

Summer lifted up my shirt, and both of them stroked my belly, which already made me squeak. When they began to tickle faster, I laughed pretty damn hard. I've never been tickled by 2 people at the same time. Now, this lasted 30 minutes!

Eventually they stopped, and it was time for dinner.

My Ticklish AdventuresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora