New Home

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I woke up and was adopted by Summer and her family. But it wasn't the mom was dead. Summer was great with me though.
"Come on Mari, cheer up."




"Ok then......TICKLE TIME!!"
     She began tickling under my arms and I was already laughing. Summer seemed like she enjoyed tickling me, I certainly had no problem with it.
She slowly began to lift up my shirt and asked, "may I?" I nodded swiftly and she stroked my soft, slim belly. I burst out into uncontrollable laughter! "Wow! Even in the hospital you're the most ticklish person on earth!"

"Hahahaha nohohot true hahahaha!"

"Is too! You know you love it when I tickle you!"
She was right. Her dad, mom, and sister walked in. Her mom is a fluffy white and grey Persian, and her dad is a large, burly orange tabby. "Hello sweetheart, I'm your mom Maria. And this is your father, Rocky. And that's your little sister Snowdrop. The doctor said you only have stage 1 cancer, so you will beat it by Friday."
Maria was very nice, and Rocky seemed like a nice cat, he just doesn't speak much English, he spoke Spanish. Luckily I am fluent, so I might get pretty close to my dad. "Hi, I'm Snowdrop but call me Snowy."

"Hello Snowy, nice to meet you. Hola señor, mucho gusto."

"El gusto es mío. Hablas español?"

"Sí, yo hablo mucho."
We got along very well, and I was excited to live with them! We talked about my personality, what I like, and my mom. Turns out my mom got shot on her way home in front of Summer's house, and Maria called the police. I love that Maria had the kindness to do that for us. I saw them signing papers, and I knew I finally had good parents.

My Ticklish AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now