Chapter Ten

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Wendy's P.O.V

I woke up on the floor to see him. Staring down at me as if he cared. My parents had rushed by my side as well. I looked up dazed.

"Should we take her home Mr and Mrs darling?"

"Yes I think that is what she needs."

I felt him slide his arms underneath me and pick me up bridal style, I felt like screaming. It was all just an act and I know what will happen now. All of a sudden the rest of the ladies and gentleman at the party applauded at us. They must have thought I had said yes. I was pulled from my thoughts as he put me down, as we had gotten out the door, and forced me to look up at him. His eyes were filled with rage, and I was filled with fear.

"And of course you had to faint. Yes just isn't enough for you is it?"

I stood there stunned, what could I say? It was not as if I could yell at him, I would disgrace my whole family. All of a sudden he raised his arm up and brought it down right across my face. It hurt so much.

"Consider yourself lucky I didn't do anything worse." He cackled and then he walked off.

I ran home and into my room-as there was no need to lock the doors as it is extremely safe- and flung myself on the bed sobbing. All of a sudden there was q quiet tap on the window. I jumped thinking it was him coming to get me back even more for what had happened at the party and turned round and slowly walked towards my window, and tried to wipe my eyes. If he thought he had hurt me he would take great pleasure in doing it all over again- just to make me cry. I felt so relieved when I saw peter standing there and I hugged him for what seemed like forever. He was truly there for me when I needed him. We talked for a while and then he asked me to do the almost impossible,

"Come with me Wendy, and we can go have our own adventures together. Come to never land."

I desperately wanted to but what about my family? What about john and Michael? I could not imagine their faces when mother told them I had ran away. Yet I would be free. Finally I would be free, from him and his hurtful ways, from being forced into marrying someone I didn't love. I really wanted that, to be free and to have an adventure. I heard them in the next room. But I had to go, I was excited now, I just had to. Getting to know peter well would be an awfully big adventure...

He held his hand out and I placed mine in his. Then he told me to think happy thoughts and put pixie dust all over me. I could not believe this was happening, this was real, this was all real! And as we flew off towards the stars, I left all my troubles behind in my bedroom. I left him forever.

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