Chapter Five

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Peter's P.O.V.

The flight back to never land was long and dreadful for she never left my mind. I mean she saw me! No, no, no. She talked to me made me promise to go back and I would. For she actually wants me to go back. All those nights outside their window listening to her stories felt so unreal almost as if I were in a fairytale myself.

Imagine that someone just sitting their deciding my fate thinking about if I could get the girl. Just sitting their peacefully writing away with not even a single care in the word of what they wrote effects me in every way as I'm almost a puppet with no thoughts or even emotions. I hope they write about me getting the girl and maybe even a happy ending...

Hiya guys sorry it's so short hope you liked it anyway remember to comment and vote. :) x

The boy that never grew upOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora