Chapter 23

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Infinity's p.o.v.

        I awoke to a steady trickle of water running down my leg and a pain in my lower back. I could immediately tell that it was time as the contraction faded. Reaching over, I tapped on Grey's shoulder. He shot up in bed clearly alarmed as he looked wildly around the room. "What's wrong Princess?", he ran his hand through his messy hair. "'s...time", I managed to gasp as another contraction seized me.
"It's what! Oh god! I'm not ready for this! What do I do", he climbed out of bed and pulled clothes on frantically. "Just call Olive", I would've laughed at his panic had I not been in pain. "Oh okay, yeah okay", he mumbled scrambling for his phone as I managed to pull myself out of bed. I quickly grabbed the hospital bags and slipped on my robe as Grey talked with Olive.
"Okay", He spoke into the phone before hanging up. "Are you alright princess?", he asked as he caught up to me. "I'll be better once this is over", I groaned as I tried to go down the stairs and realized that they were not my friend. "Princess let me help you", he took the bags and wrapped an arm around my waist to help guide me.
He carefully helped me into the car and ran around the the driver's side. Silently he took my hand and laced our fingers together as he started the car and backed out of the driveway. I squeezed his hand as another contraction seized me. "We're almost there Princess", he whispered clearly still unsure of what he was doing. I felt the pups jostling inside of me, at this point their movement was very uncomfortable and I let out an involuntary whimper. "I'm so sorry baby", he whispered bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it softly.
           I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the seat. Of course I was excited for their arrival but the idea of labor and birth filled me with anxiety. I was pulled out of my trance when Grey pulled up to the hospital and climbed out of the car. "We're here, everything's okay Princess", he tried to comfort me as he wrapped an arm around my waist and led me across the parking lot. Nurses rushed to greet us and ushered me into a wheelchair before quickly pushing me into the hospital. Grey walked beside me, offering his hand as I winced. I quickly grasp it and as another contraction overtook me. I didn't even notice that we we in an elevator until the doors opened and the nurse wheeled me out and into a room. They quickly made me change into a gown and stuck an iv in my arm before attaching multiple monitors and ushering me into a bed.
"Infinity, Princess, how are you feeling", Grey asked as he stroked my hair out of my face and laced our fingers together. "I've been better", I responded, trying to keep my tone light and upbeat. "Are you excited?", he asked using his other hand to massage my stomach. I nodded, unsure of exactly how I was feeling but excitement was somewhere in the mix. "Olive said that she'd be here to check on you in a few minutes", he moved to stroke my hair as I tried to readjust myself. I nodded at him and closed my eyes, leaning back against the pillows and curling into a ball. "Oh Infinity, I'm so excited", Grey's Mother startled me as she burst into the room.
"Mom, she's resting", Grey hushed her quickly. "Oh, I'm sorry. How's she handling it?", she asked in a whisper. My eyes were still closed but I could tell that she had moved to sit beside Grey. "I didn't realize this would be so painful for her", he whispered his voice full of regret. "Oh, Honey a little pain is totally worth bringing the pups into this world. She may hate every part of this but the moment she sees those pups, all that pain and those months being uncomfortable will turn into nothing.", she comforted him as my eyelids became heavy and I drifted off again.
I gripped Grey's hand tightly as Olive told me to push. It felt like someone was trying to rip me in half as my labor progressed. "You're doing great Infinity, one more good push and he should be out", Olive called as she knelt between my legs. Moments later I heard a beautiful cry and watched Grey's eyes light up as he saw our son for the first time. The nurses helped Grey cut the umbilical cord and whisked little Jasper away as I prepared for Hazel. I whimpered as Olive told me to push yet again. It was worse the second time and I really thought my body was going to tear in half. After what seemed like an eternity little Hazel was out and I could see tears of joy in Grey's eyes as he watched them whisk her off. Even though his mouth was covered by a mask, I could tell that he was smiling. "You did it Princess, I'm so proud of you", his voice was slightly muffled by the mask as he stroked my sweaty hair out of my face.
Moments later they brought the pups over and placed them on my chest. In that moment it hit me, up until now it had been I "I" was pregnant "I" was in labor, now it was not just one but two lives that Grey and I had created. Jasper had red/black hair just like me and little Hazel had the same dark chocolatey hair as Grey. They both opened their eyes to look up at me and I realized that Jasper had Grey's silver eyes and Hazel had my blue eyes. They were beautiful as they stretched and yawned.
          Once the pups had eaten, Olive decided to move me to a room and the nurses quickly packed up and pushed my bed down the hallway to my new home for the next two days. Grey appeared beside me as the nurses helped us get things settled down. "Grey come hold them", I motioned for him to come closer as he nervously hovered beside the bed. I gently handed Hazel over and helped him cradle her head. "She has your eyes Infinity", Grey whispered as he rocked her gently before handing her back to me. I gently handed him Jasper and watched as his fear melted away. Seeing him with Jasper was the sweetest sight. "Infinity, you have visitors. Would you like for them to come in", a nurse asked.
I nodded wondering who on earth had come to see us. "Happy birthday Jasper and Hazel", Brianna burst through the door with Sam shaking his head right behind her. They were followed by Grey's mother who'd spent most of the night in the waiting room.  I smiled weakly at them as my eyelids began to droop and I felt myself slipping out of consciousness.

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