"That was until he showed up. The leader of the Ravens, Ravon. He wore a wooden mask with a symbol in the dead center of the face. He never showed his real face to us. He told me I was special and took me under his wing." I remember the explosion and the soldiers running into the halls. I remember the screams of delight and the sound of the key opening the door to my chambers. The sunlight finally hitting my pale skin.

The one thing I remember the most is the masked man. Ravon, the Raven's leader. He was tall, brown hair with a singular lighter brown stripe. He was built even though he seemed scrawny. His mask was the most intriguing part of it all. It was wooden, stained red with blood both new and old. There were cut outs of the eyes, nose, and mouth, however, you couldn't see them at all. He wore dark clothing covering every square inch of his body besides his head and hands. He was frightening, and I admired that.

"I guess you could say it was great. I finally had food, shelter, and someone I could rely on..." I paused and looked down at my stone necklace. The blue stone shimmered and shined in the daylight. I grabbed it and rubbed my thumb over its smooth surface. "Until...I realized what I was... a Spiriter." I clenched the necklace as memories began to flood in.

"Ravon became obsessed with my powers and made me train day and night. He helped me to harness my abilities, but I then realized that when I used them with him I grew darker. The pain I caused, the power I controlled, the beast I became is all because of this stone around my neck. When Ravon spotted it he gave me top spot, luxury, high ranks, special privileges. I never knew what a Spiriter really was.

I used to hear stories from the other children through the cracks about amazing warriors, rare to find and even rarer to be born, but were the strongest of all. They were granted incredible powers and given a stone that contained their power as well as their 'spirit guides.' If one was born a Spiriter, they are then what they called the 'marked.' When born, they have a symbol on their palm of one of their hands that shows on their stone. Those who are not marked cannot use their magic without their stone around their neck, however, those who are among the 'marked' can use their magic without their stone even if it is to be lost or destroyed.

I know that I am not worthy enough to be one of them. I am not worthy of being a Spiriter and definitely not to be a 'marked.' Every time Ravon had me use my powers, he would push me until I could not control the power. If my emotions get out of balance my sense would no longer be mine, someone else would be in control... and that was my 'spirit guide,' Amir. I could not longer move or think on my own. Raving would then send me into brawls, defeating and injuring hundreds. Once they were down I would feel my power come back to levels to which I could control. The one thing I was told is, when I am out of control, my eyes will turn red and my pupils will shrink to a line like that of a cat or snake. I hated it every time I had to do such trials. Anytime I fight now, I fight without my powers, but if I must I only use what I can control, not Amir.

The buzzing erupted once again in my ear causing me flinch. "No one wants to listen to your lame story. Now, be a good pupil and go do your job. You're too stressed as it is staying on the top...."


My fingers on my left stung and were splintered, buried within the trunk of a tree. Blood roared in my ears, my vision turned red. My senses immediately started slipping from my grasp. 'NO, NOT AGAIN!!!' I screamed in my head as my right arm involuntarily lifted from my side with blue flames erupting from my finger tips. They crackled like lightning, but burned as a fire. My forefinger and thumb wrapped around the earing and began to burn hotter.

"OW, OW, OW, BLU STOP IT PLEASE!!!" Gideon cried.

I focused all my energy into regaining control of myself. 'Amir, Stop this instant. We are not in danger, let me handle him!' I yelled out and all I received was a growl in response. The burning sensation within my fingertips died away and I regained my control. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Amir's voice combined with mine then she was gone. I closed my eyes, regaining my normal blue eyes and balled.

Spiriters Blu's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now