Chapter 7

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(Zim's P.O.V)

"Are you sure this will work?"

Dib is standing in his closet, changing into a costume for the "convention". With that event going on, we can wander anywhere in town, and if anyone wonders why I look like... Well, an alien, we can tell them we're headed to the town centre. This way, we don't actually need to go, and we can figure out what's going on.

"Definitely," Dib answers, and I hear the sound of a zipper being done up. "If there's one thing I know about the human race, it's that they're really stupid."

The closet opens, and he has on an outfit that is fairly similar to his regular attire, though his trench coat is longer, and has more buttons- though it's not done up-, and he has goggles on instead of glasses-and they are very cloudy. As well, his boots go up to his knees.

"I don't see how this is any different," I say, rolling my eyes.

Dib raises an eyebrow and gestures to me. "Says you," he retorts. I hadn't put on anything extra. I was completely the same, other than the sweater that Dib had given me. Otherwise, my eyes and antennae were exposed.

Dib sighs and puts his hands on his hips. "I'm Mothman. I'm not supposed to look much different."

"Is that your stupid eyeball thing?"

"It's not stupid," Dib mutters, "and yes. That's exactly what it is."

I look at his feet. "Those boots seem counter productive." Dib lifts his foot and looks down. "They must be a bitch to walk in."

"It's just for the costume. I'm not going to wear it any longer than I need to." I can't help but notice that he didn't argue with me.

"You could've picked something easier to move in," I snark. "I don't want you complaining all day."

"I won't, now can we leave?" Dib sighs, marching past me and opening the door.


(Dib's P.O.V)

"So, I guess we should start at the hospital," I suggest. "We're close to it anyways." If that was where Zim was being sliced open- I almost shudder at the thought- then they should know something about an alien walking around. We can explain away our appearances and ask for directions to the convention afterwards, that way we don't look suspicious.

Zim shrugs, but doesn't say anything. He seems so nuance about the whole thing, even though if we fail before three weeks is up, Zim could very easily die.

As we step the through the doors, a rush of cold air comes to meet us, and immediately I worry about Zim being cold. 'Yeah, because that's the most important thing right now,' I scold myself. I need to stop this. Growing too attached to him could hurt the truce we have.

The receptionist at the desk looks up at us with an annoyed expression, as if she didn't expect anyone to show up, and we were ruining her plans to sit around and do nothing. Either way, she turns her chair to face us and puts on a fake smile.

"How may I help you?"

"Um, we uh..." I just realized how strange it is to just walk up and ask about an alien without any reason. I mean, there is a reason, but I can't exactly tell her that Zim is a creature from outer space.

Zim seems to have noticed my dilemma, and takes over for me. "We are human space nerds, and wish to ask if you have gotten reports of any 'extra terrestrial'," he says "extra terrestrial" with such exaggerated annunciation, almost as if he were trying to sound stupid, "activity going on in this horrid filth hole of a town."

I probably would have stated that a bit different, but he seems to have gotten the point across, because the receptionist looks up at us with a bit more interest. Her gaze shifts to me.

"You're that Dib kid, aren't you?"

I internally facepalm. Not the response I was looking for, but at least she's not shooing us away. "Uh-huh. Yeah. I'm Dib, now could you just answer us?"

I can tell she wants to roll her eyes, but instead she just crosses her arms. "This is a hospital. Why would we know anything about that?"

"Don't you have autopsy rooms?" I don't want to look crazier than people already think I am. I know it's a hospital, but it's exactly what Zim described.

"For humans. Hospitals are for saving people, not for cutting them open and killing them."

Good point, but now I don't know where we would look. My heart sinks a little bit, and I sigh. "Fine," I say hotly. I'd planned to ask for directions at this point, but since she knew me, that wouldn't really work. Instead, I turn harshly on my heel and call over my shoulder, "Thanks for the help."

It comes out more sarcastic than I intend it to.


We reach the outskirts of town at around 3 p.m. We find ourselves at the top of a hill. Zim walks up next to me. "So... What now?"

"I don't know, Zim! I don't have all the answers all the time," I snarl. Zim recoils a bit, and he holds up his arms like he expects me to hit him. I put my face in my hands and plop down onto the grass. "Ugh, I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do. I'm scared that we won't figure this out in time."

Zim sits down next to me. He places his hand on my shoulder, which catches me off guard for a second. "I'm scared too," he says. He doesn't look at me, but down at the town below us. Since it's autumn, the sun will start going down in a few hours. I don't know why, but I don't want to be at home when it's nighttime. I feel much more comfortable up here.

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