Riddle #137

62 14 68

Winner: xXxGodzillaxXx
Correct Answer: Vixenkit

I was happy where I was with the perfect family,
But one Battle changed everything.
I lost my parents, but I still went to the place where it all started,
It was where I belonged, even if it was away from my brother.
Soon, a new cat comes and I had a mission.

But that mission made me intrigued by what he knows, and soon he taught me his skills,
As he left, I took his place and loved someone who loved me back.
But I went on a special trip that prevented me to do that,
But now, I am a loyal cat who will help her Clan from death.
Can you guess who I am?

Go over to Guess That Warrior Quote and comment, "I am a nightian" for a follow and a chosen book for me to read :)

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