Hour 3

5 1 1


I watched intently as she drank her cocktail, an innocent and sophisticated look yet sharp tongue captivated me. It was become addicting to watch her, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, and she knew it.

There was something about Valentina that made her stand out from all the other girls I had ever met. My first thought wasn't the most common when a guy meets a beautiful woman but I was itching to talk to her, get to know her little quirks, get to know the side of her that many people don't get to see. I wanted to sit and stare at her for as long as a art enthusiast stares at a painting on a gallery wall. She was a piece of art to me and I was enthused by her. She intrigued me, but I couldn't let myself get caught up with her; I have plans, goals, time to focus on me; No time to think about woman. 

I forced myself to turn away. I didn't want her to know that I was staring, I didn't want to be staring, I didn't want to allow myself to be so taken with someone so soon after vowing to myself that I've given myself this year to develop myself before college. But now, finding out I would be house sharing with her for 2 weeks. How was I going to control myself? I can't let myself fall again. I can't waste more time on someone else that isn't me...

I drank my beer in silence, so deep in though I didn't realise that I had finished the bottle and an air hostess was trying to ask me if she'd like to take my rubbish. It was only when Jackson elbowed me in the ribs that i snapped out of my daze, shocked I looked up and stuttered. I quickly gave her my bottle and looked down. Oh know I'm  going to look like such an idiot to Valentina. What a fool I've made of myself!  I stared down at my feet for a while until the captain announced that we were a fifth through our journey. Oh dear how am I going to cope with the next 12 hours in one spot with her a couple seats down. 

After hearing this agonising announcement I decided the best thing to do was sleep as surely the hours will go past quicker with out me consciously having to deal with them. Just then I hear Valentina bluntly talk to Adam; 
"Please, I don't mean to sound rude but I think what's s best for me is to sleep otherwise I'll just get more and more angry with you. I don't mind asking the hostess if there is a spare seat so you can carry on talking?" She said seriously, staring at him profusely, she must be a girl who knows what she wants. I like that.
"Well why don't you swap seats with Jackson as we both don't feel like sleeping yet but Luca and Benny do" Adam suggested. I soon raised my gaze from my feet to try to talk to him through facial expressions. He winked at me as if knowing exactly what he was trying to do, trying to glare at him subtly was not working, he knew my rules. I was close with Adam, he was like a brother to me, before this trip when I decided to take a more self-focused approach to my gap year and education I told Adam my plans and the new rules I had made for myself, he assured me he understood and would not hinder these new wishes for me, but now he is trying to meddle. Maybe he can see just as much as I can at how special this young woman in front of us is.

"I suppose that'll work, but talk quietly" she said sounding so authoritative which made me chuckle to myself, Adam is always getting told off as if he were still a little boy. In some ways i'm glad she's like that so during our trip she can keep the boys in order, definitely having a motherly figure in the house can keep us on the straight and narrow as long as she doesn't spoil our fun, hopefully she will come around to us and join in. A strange island is no place for a young woman to be exploring on her own.

she got up whilst making sure none of her stuff was in the way for Jackson when he got there, although he'd just gone to the toilet so had no say in the move around. she shimmied her way across the row and more gracefully than last time sat in Jackson's seat. Then, again we made eye contact but I didn't know how to react so I gave her a quick nod of my head and then looked towards the front. Why do I lose years of experience with how to act with girls as soon as she looks at me. I could feel her heat and smell being radiated off of her, she smelt so sweet and comforting, like a warm summers day.

She then proceeded to take out a boo to occupy her time on this dreadfully long flight, "What are you reading?" I said as I plucked up the courage to make conversation,
"After" she said, "its recently been published after making fame on Wattpad and even has a couple of great films on Netflix." She announced.
I nodded and she suggested if I'd like to read the blurb. I continued to do so, wondering maybe if she would like to watch the films with me one evening in the house we will be sharing, if I was brave enough to ask her that is... 
"Sounds steamy. Is that what type of storyline you like?" I said, why I said it I don't know, I'm making my American ass sound more like an idiot each minute.
She blushes before saying "I like the chemistry the characters have between each other rather than the erotic parts, actually. Its the type of relationship I would wish for really, to have someone that devoted and drawn to you but I think it's the type of chemistry that you'd only get in fictional stories" she replied, seeming rather let down by her fantasies, maybe she had been hurt in the past, burnt by love, all dreams of a relationship as she described shattered into a million pieces as if a mirror had been broken and she knew her luck with love was out. Maybe I could help her create that wonderful love story she's always wanted, if I was the old Luca, I have new rules, new life plans; no one can get in the way of them even a girl that needs rescuing from her past. 

The seats are so close together to the point where if she uncrosses her legs and I let my legs relax, we'd be touching. I relaxed my legs so they became closer to her crossed one. As if she had read my mind she uncrosses her legs so both feet were on the floor, the closeness comforting yet scary at the same time. Our thighs touch, we both quickly move away as I feel an electric bolt fly up my leg from her touch. She looked at me, as if she'd felt the same. We then relaxes again and accepted the bolt of electricity, to me it felt comforting and safe. 

The hours past by and soon I realised that Valentina had drifted off to sleep, so had everyone else on our row, realising I was the only one awake, I took this as an opportunity to look at Valentina and take in her jaw-dropping features without anyone judging me. Her black wavy hair came tumbling past her shoulders to lye just by where her bellybutton would be. Before she had fallen asleep I had noticed her dark hazel eyes which had a glint of fire and passion but a little bit of sadness as well, it felt like she had a spirit of an animal locked in a cage. Her lips were like plump and naturally smiley. She had a cute button nose which crinkled up when she laughed and her dimples appeared when Adam would joke with her. She was adorable but stunning in my eyes.

Once I had stared long enough, I drifted off to sleep myself; floating into a dream of what could be to come on this once in a lifetime trip, the only year of my life I can truly have to myself to become a better version of me.

Hello again everyone! Now I hope you like this second chapter? Obviously not much can happen on a plane journey so I am using the time to help you get to know the characters which you will gradually fall in love with.

Once in their house you will discover how much fun these new found friends will have and expect a few twists.. 

Anyway, hope you have liked this story so far.

Vote, comment and enjoy

Love you's xxx

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