GMG Part 2 Day 2

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Lucy pov 
I won the singing contest and we got 30 points for the guild. Sting ran up to me and hugged me and said GOOD JOB HUN! Thanks Stingy-bee!
Next up Sting Elciffe and Lucy Dragneel Hartfilia vs 2 wizard saint and 3 wizard saint!
I got it Sting! I said  It looks like Lucy of Sabertooth is going down alone? Mato said
Hello, Miss. Dragneel Hartfilia.  Hello, 2st and 3rd.  Let's get this over with! I said
(Made up power thing) Stars open the light of the moon combined Jupiter, Mars,and Moon give me our power ! STAR PRISM! I Yelled.
Srry 4 the short chapter my Lemons!

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