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"This subject is a failure as well.Damn!What's the problem!" he slammed his fist on the nearest table,no other area to direct his anger. "No.79 did not make it.He was close though."

The scientists were clustered around his deformed body,trying to find the root of the problem.He looked at the other test tubes that was filled with different bodies.Each a failure.

It became trial and error.The mixing of chemicals,flesh,organs.Blood replaced or mixed.The product could hardly be called human.Pure chemical,acid and different other things mixed. "Finally...after ten years.A proper product.No.89.He passed the test but is still not stable.Support is needed."

Releasing him from the test tube,he stumbled forward,his feet unable to feel the floor.The homunculus tried to gaze at the surroundings.Vision turning from black to colour.Legs crumbling at the thought of walking.Stepping forward only resulted in the knees bending and body feeling the floor. "Someone grab his hand and walk.This is troublesome."

He felt a hand drag him up.As if forcing No.89 to walk.For a long forty minutes with eyes surrounding them,he walked slowly.Before he could open his mouth,they dragged him towards a bed and laid the body.Needles pricking through his skin.As liquid passed through,he felt his vocal chords vibrate as a scream was produced.

"Weak.Increase intensity!"

Screams echoed through the room,getting louder by the minute.Only soundless screams escaped when it stopped.Until,it reached the point that he could not feel himself.Black engulfed him,literally.


"Aka!Face here!" Yuika held the camera close to her eyes and snapped the photo.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" the little one asked,her innocent eyes filling her facial features.

"They can't make it this week.Your birthday will be celebrated next week with them.For now,celebrate with me?" Yuika smiled,despite being only a mere four years older than her sister.

Aka smiled innocently,unable to comprehend the situation.Only knowing,that her parent was never free this week.She moved around,trying to find other things to do.Before noticing a guy and her knees bend,as her energy shifted to the base of her legs as she leaped.Hanging her hands loosely on the guy's neck.

"Aka!Don't do that!" she pulled on the legs,trying to release the girl's vice grip.

Despite the different problems,Aka managed to spend another birthday with her sister.The person that represented her parents. "Yuika!Let's get ice cream!"

A smile formed on her face as she bought the ice cream. "I'm sure Mom and Dad will be back next week."

Next week arrived only to see,no one.She walked around the house only to hear Yuika arguing over the phone. "You can't make it this week either?"

"Fine.I get it.Yeah.Love you too." she spat out the words and slammed the phone back to it's original area.

Noticing Aka at the side,she turned and her face presented a smile. "They can't be home this week either.I'm sorry."

Aka shaked her head,understanding that even her sister could not control the actions of others.She walked over to her sister and wrapped her arms around her small body.She was only a few years older yet she sheltered the girl.

"I love Yuika the most!" Aka whispered,knowing that the love she held for her sister was similar to motherly love.The father figure,mother figure and sister figure,was just one person.Yuika.

"It doesn't matter if Mom and Dad don't come back.Since,it's their fault that this problem occurred."

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