Chapter 2

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Master Makarov was very confused at what he had just read. The very first master of Fairy Tail and also the one who was queen had just sent him her daughter.

The master looked down at the baby princess he was holding in his arms wrapped in a gold colored silk blanket. The girl had honey colored hair.

The master chuckled at the fist thought he had of her 'She looks just like a golden princess'.

He then sighed at the thought that such a beautiful think can be in so much trouble and the cause the war started so long ago, between dark magic and light magic.

Although the letter didn't say who the father was he still knew that it was Zeref. Everyone knew the story; Mavis was in love with Zeref and Zeref was in love with Mavis. Then Mavis betrayed Zeref. No one knew how but at Makarov looked at the face of the child he held in this arms he knew she was the cause.

He soon went to sleep with the child close to hm so he could protect her until he found a fearsome dragon.

The next morning Makarov woke up early and gingerly picked up the sleeping girl. He then headed to a volcano where the strongest, bravest, and kindest dragon lived.

When Makarov arrived at the volcano he knew that he had to climb the giant mass of rocks to get to his destination.

When he reached the top he sucked in a deep breath and yelled "Igneel I know you are there, come out I need your help with one of the most important things ever." he wasn't startled wwhen he heared a growl knowing full well he woke the dragon.

He didn't try to quiet the dragon when he growled for he knew the girl wouldn't wake up.

When the dragon rose from the depths of the lava he saw an old, short, white haired man holding something in a beautiful golden bundle which looked like a treasure.

Igneel being a dragon was intrigued by the treasure being a dragon and all.

So he asked "Dear Makarov long time no see. What has brought you to my home to disturb my slumber? And what treasure have you brought for me this time?"

Makarov studied the dragon and once he was sure that the dragon was only curious he spoke

"I have brought you the most precious treasure there is. That is the reason I have awoken you."he chuckled, "after all I do know how much you like to sleep. It is your favorite thing other than food."

Igneel chuckled at that comment knowing that it was true. When all of a sudden he heard a little voice., the voice said,

"Daddy! You woke me up!" yelled an angry pink haired boy, "Whats all the commotion anyways?" asked the boy.

"And who could this little pink haired guy be?" asked Makarov never seeing the kid before. The pink haired boy noticing the short old man yelled,

"Hey! My hair is SALMON not PINK!" the boy pouted, "And my name is Natsu!" the boy stated with a goofy grin on his face. Then he turned his attention to the gold bundle in the mans arms.

"What is that?" asked Natsu trying to get a look at what was inside the gold colored silk. Makarov looked down at his hands quickly remembering what he was doing here and said,

"This is why I came here. I need you to keep her safe from any harm, and fight off anyone who tries to take her." he turned his attention back to the dragon, then handed him the baby girl and the letter. He then said, "Her name is Skyler."

Igneel read the letter over again and again. He did that five times to make sure he didn't miss anything then looked down at the baby girl he was holding.

Natsu wanted to see the girl so he climbed on his father and when he saw her his heart skiped a beat as he thought 'She may just be a baby but she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.' the thought surprised him but the one that came after that was even more surprising 'I will protect her with everything I have even if that means my life'

Natsu didn't understand what these thoughts meant. After all he was just a 3 year old boy. He quickly dismissed the thoughts and gave his goofy grin to the girl before realizing that she had her eyes closed and wasn't moving one inch. Natsu panicked and said,

"Daddy! She's dead! She's dead! She's not moving! What do we do!"

Igneel laughed at his sons reaction and then said,

"No Natsu, she's not dead she is just in a very deep sleep and she is going to stay that way for a long wile. But don't worry, we will take care of her and protect her from anyone who wants to take her from us."

With that said Makarov smiled and left knowing that Igneel and little Natsu were up for the task.

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