The Black Knight: Chapter Five

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The world I lived in was a totally different animal, or should I say, Wesen, than what I had been used to before I met Nick.

We were on our way home from another training session in the woods, and I was confident that I could now kill any Wesen with a crossbow, a Kanabo, or my machete, of course. Monroe used to help Nick train back when Nick was still learning, but he didn't come today. Nick said it was because Monroe thought I still needed to learn the basics first, but I think I make him nervous.

Anyway, we were on our way back to the house because Juliette called and said that dinner was almost ready. And I was ready for dinner because Nick said Juliette was making spaghetti.

Nick was in the driver's seat, and I was in the passenger's seat unconsciously twirling my Black Knight that was hanging off of my backpack.

Nick was staring at the road, looking straight ahead, so it surprised me when he asked me a question.

"Can I ask you something?" he questioned.


"I've been trying not to question you too much because I don't want to make you uncomfortable or hurt your feelings, but we've been a part of each other's lives for a little while now, and I really wouldn't mind knowing more about you," he began.

"That makes sense. What do you want to know?" I answered.

"It's not anything big, at least I don't think it is," he stalled. But to answer my question, he said, "Why you carry that around with you."

"Carry what?" I asked.

For the first time, he turned his eyes away from the road and towards me. He looked pointedly down at my Black Knight and raised his eyebrows inquisitively (that's a word I learned from Monroe).

"Oh. That." I was stalling now, not sure of where to start. "Well, I guess it has something to do with how I got it."

"How'd you get it?" he asked. I guess I started to look nervous or uncomfortable or something because he added, "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

Sometimes Nick was a little too careful. I didn't hold it against him because I knew his intentions were in the right place, but when Nick walked on eggshells around me, it reminded me of everyone else who used to. He didn't want to push me too hard.

"Nick, it's okay," I assured him.

I told him how I got it, and his main reaction to the story was, I think, sadness. He got a glimpse into the life I had before him, but, oddly enough, it made him more comfortable with me – which was weird considering how horrible the story was. I guessed he realized that it would take more than a few questions to drive me away because I had been through a lot worse. A lot worse.

Anywho, by the time I finished the story, we were walking through the door of the house. Juliette heard part of it, which kind of freaked her out, so Nick just gave her a look that said, "I'll tell you later." I don't think he told her because Juliette asked me about my chess piece a few days later while Nick was at work.

Juliette walked into the kitchen while Nick and I sat down on the couch to finish our conversation. He was joking with me now. "So, let me get this straight. You like to carry around that Black Knight because it reminds you of a guy you almost killed in a mental hospital?"

I laughed and said, "No! God no! Kevin told me that the piece was different from the others, and I guess I felt like I was different from others, too." I looked at the Grimm sitting next to me and added, "Even though I don't think I'm different now."

"Well, you're a Grimm, like me. That still makes you pretty different. But you are more than just a Grimm. Do you get what I mean? It's the reason why you're you, I'm me, and why Monroe is still scared of you." We both laughed at that.

"I guess I don't just like my Black Knight because it's different, then. I guess I like it because it reminds me not to take anything for granted."

"I hope it also reminds you how strong and brave you are because you've been through some tough times. Also, it probably reminds you of how much Coyotls suck," he smiled encouragingly. I smiled back.

It felt good hearing him say that. Especially since he said it like he was proud of me. I don't think anyone's ever been proud of me before.

I'm happy, I thought. It had been the first time in a long time that I felt this way, and definitely not the last time I'd feel this way. That is, as long as I was with Nick or as long as I was myself.

"Let's eat!" I said, and we raced each other to the table.


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