Angel of Dark & Light

Start from the beginning

"You there! Wait, I'm gonna land this thing." The policeman's voice was amplified by an electronic megaphone attached to his communication headset. The policeman shifted the jet harness to the left, then pulled down on both handles to descend to the ground just in front of the horse and buggy.

The policeman frowned as he landed, a show of agitation. The legs of the jet pack retracted just as the policeman landed softly on the ground. The high speed fans also shifted into low gear.

"Is this some kind of a joke?" His voice was loud and aggressive.

"What's going on?" The policeman's eyes moved from the horses to the buggy where he focused on the rolled up blankets. Then he took off his sun-proof police sun goggles so he could focus better.

"You know, I haven't seen this get-up in years. We don't travel by horse-and-buggy anymore unless it's for some kind of ceremony, umm, maybe a pre-planned circus or part of a movie set. Just who are you? Is this some kind of fucking joke?"

There was silence in the air.

Then, the man suddenly looked up at the policeman and spoke. His voice was scraggly, deep but strong.

"According to the Midrash, the Angel of Death was created by God on the first day. His dwelling is in heaven, whence he reaches earth in eight flights, whereas Pestilence reaches it in one. For when the soul forsakes the body, its voice goes from one end of the world to the other, but is not heard."

"I have no idea what you're talking about Mister!" The policeman retrieved his screen - a handheld voice and screen dictation device, from his pocket and was beginning a sentence when he was interrupted by the man.

"What of your daughter?" The old man's voice was direct and succinct.

"My what?"

"And what of your daughter, Jordan Ramsey?" Then man asked again.

"How do you know my name?"

The man ignored the question. "Not the older one, but the one buried in the garden patch near the wrought-iron fence in the back yard. The one whose soul is in heaven because you were too drunk to realize your weight was crushing her to death!"

"How the hell...How --"

Suddenly, the old man's face began to slowly transform. It began to change from an old and feeble man to a grotesque creature with a long neck and three glowing red eyes! The monster stretched his claws towards the officer and made a loud shrieking noise... animalistic, untamed.

"What the hell?"  The policeman slowly began  walking backwards.

Then he flipped on his jet pack engine, whinnied it on high, then lifted quickly off the ground.

But his flight was short-lived. Suddenly he heard a whipping noise, then felt a tightness around his leg. It was a whip! Red hot, burning! The rope caught him just above the right knee and the heat was searing right through his flesh and bone!

"Ahhhhh-eeeeh!" The policeman screamed in pain as he lost control and his jet pack began plummeting to the ground. Refusing to be stopped, though, the policeman retained flight composure just before striking the ground, but the searing heat from the whip had severed his right leg!  It dangled for a moment by a piece of outer skin meat. Then the skin continued ripping, exposing the muscle underneath it, then the leg crashed to the ground!

The policeman then lost control of his jet pack, and he, too, plummeted to the ground not too far from his severed, simmering hot leg.

"Oh my Dear God in Heaven!" He screamed.

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