He walked back, leaving me alone.

What's with that response?


I opened the plastic container that's sealing the cake and found a piece of fork inside.

I took a bite. I started to feel nostalgic. This is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted. I chewed slowly to taste it's flavor properly. I probably look stupid now, I'm smiling while chewing the cake.

The sun is starting to set when I finally finished the cake. I noticed a paper lying on the bottom, covered with small cake pieces.

"Huh?" I took the paper and removed the pieces. But some of them seemed to stick on one side.

My eyes widened when I turned the paper and realized that it was my stickynote question.

But this time, there's an answer.

What is love?

I read the answer.

Love exists when you cherish someone and holds them dear. Love can also be the desire to protect someone special to you. But the most definite meaning of love is a certain attraction or admiration to someone, like the way I feel towards you Ichimatsu..

I felt shivers run down my spine as the cold night wind blew against me. The sun has already set. The moon is up. Houses started turning on their lights.

And I can feel my heart racing.

My mind's a complete mess now. I can't think clearly.

I'm already lying on the cold steel roof. I don't really care.. The clouds are finally gone and I can see the starts above.

"Fucking Shittymatsu. Go die already."

Now I realized my true feelings for him. I know why he feels different compared to the others. I know why he always irritates me. I know why he's always on my mind....

I've been in love with Karamatsu the whole time..

No. No. No. No. No. This is wrong... I'm not supposed to fall in love with my own brother..

Good thing I'm the only one up here or someone would've seen how red I am now.

I rolled over to my side and covered my face. How am I supposed to face him after this!? I'll probably turn red the moment I see him.

I heard footsteps behind me.

"Oi Ichimatsu, why are you lying down there?"

I quickly got up, unable to face Osomatsu. "I-It feels good?"

"Sure... Anyway, it's time for dinner so go downstairs kay?" I heard his footsteps getting further. He went back.

I stood up and put everything on the plastic, except for the stickynote which I hid in my pocket.

I went downstairs and silently slid the door open.

Everyone has their eyes on me. Except for Karamatsu who's focused on his food.

"What were you doing on the roof Ichimatsu? You've been there the entire day." Chromatsu asked me before eating his rice.

"Ohh.. Uhh.. Nothing really. I was just thinking." I said. Well, it's half true and half lie. I can't tell them the thing concerning me and Karamatsu.

"Ish it about a gurl?" Osomatsu asked while chewing the food in his mouth.

"Oi don't talk while your mouth is full Osomatsu-niisan." Choromatsu glared at him.

Osomatsu swallowed. "Huh!? What makes you think I'm gonna listen to you?" He mocked him.

Chromatsu popped a vein, "You're the eldest brother here! You should learn some manners!" He harshly slammed his bowl on the table, causing some rice to fall off, as he told Osomatsu off.

"Ohhh says the one who just MADE A MESS ON THE TABLE!" Osomatsu spatted.

"Stop it you two. You can fight later after dinner." Karamatsu finally interposed between them. He looks dead serious, enough to make Osomatsu and Choromatsu settle down and return back to eating in silence.

While I was eating, I found myself glancing at Karamatsu time to time. His face doesn't show any hint of anxiety or uneasiness. He looks normal..

Maybe he's hiding it?

I notice him look at me so I hastily glanced on another direction, hoping he didn't caught me staring at him.

After dinner, we all prepared the futton and got dress up in our pyjamas. I still feel a little awkward around Karamatsu so I'm not sure if I'll be able to talk to him now.

Maybe I should just tell him tomorrow. Besides, my brothers are here so I don't think this is the perfect moment to tell him about that.

"Ichimatsu," I almost jumped when he called my name. "Can you please pass me my pillow?" He pointed at the pillow behind me.

"Uhh.. Sure.." I handed him his pillow.

"Thanks." He sounded so casual. I'm honestly surprised that he can still keep his cool. While here I am, almost about to faint because of the extreme anxiety.

Why are you so cool Karamatsu?

What? Ahh! Remove that thought!

I shook my head multiple times.

"Good night everyone." Choromatsu turned off the lights.

My heart started racing again. I'm lying on my side, facing away from Karamatsu. I couldn't move my body, knowing that he's just beside me.

Shit. I wasn't troubled by this before was I? So why now?

I felt a tingling sensation on my ear when he whispered.

"Ichimatsu turn around." I can feel his soft breath against my skin.

I gulped and finally gathered the courage to face him.

His face is seriously way too close.

He smiled at me. "Your face is really red." He let out a soft chuckle.

"Tch.. Shut up." I pouted at him.

"So, what can you say about it?" He whispered the words.

He's talking about the stickynote right?

I can't think of any words to say. My mind is an entire mess. I wanted to say a lot of things but I just summed it all up....

I kissed him.

He looks surprised at first but he finally kissed me back. The kiss was passionate.

After the kiss, we fell asleep in each others arms.

(Cute shit! Cute shit right there! Right there! That's some cute shit! Haha I'm sorry for this long ass chapter. Btw there aren't any smut happening in this story becuz I'm also too young fo that shit haha so if u don't like fluff then gtfo. Jk luvyu guys!)

Messed Up (KaraIchi Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora