chapter 1

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It started out as a normal day, I got up going on my phone for a while. I Checked the time and hopped into the shower. I dressed myself up after showering and ate a light breakfast while waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up.

My boyfriend- Jackson Miller had been my boyfriend since sophmore year, so for about two years.

He wasn't the brightest crayon in the box but not everyone is so I accepted it he was great just the way he was.

He had black hair and blue eyes which I grew to love throughout the years. His smile was my favorite feature though he didn't have dimples it seemed his smile just would light up the whole room. My only problem.woth him was his attitude. He could be the perfect caring boyfriend one second but then the next day he would just block me out and be harsh. When he had those moments it seemed he didn't care about me at all.

Truth be told I was getting sick of him putting me down. His words would hurt. I tried to ignore him when he had his arrogant diva face on as best as I could.

Today was a big day though, I was going to the first basketball game in the school year, and since we were seniors this year we decided to go.

I was never much of an outdoors person but did it for Jackson.

I hear a car honk, while i finish my toast. My eyes widen and I hurry to pit on my shoes. I just slid whatever pair was left which happened yo be my favorite black converse.

"Hey hurry up or we're going to be late. Gosh girls these days." Jackson said with an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

Great, his diva side has taken over, "I'm coming babe, sorry I lost track of time."

He threw his smile my way and shrugged, but I noticed something off he when he didn't kiss me like he usually would.

"Hey, Jackson are you feeling okay?" I asked.

"Just peachy Ari, just a bit tired from last night." He yawned. My eyes narrowed.

" what were you doing all night then? Cause I remember you ignoring my texts after 7. I had thought you just fell asleep early." His  eyes didn't meet mine when he answered.

"No, um I was just studying ya know?" Him? Studying? No way, he was binding something I just hope it's not what I think it is.

"Alright then." I whispered feeling less happier then normal.

The rest of the drive to the game was silent. I was staring out the window not caring if he got mad at me for not talking to him the whole ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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