Chapter 13 : Heart of Glass

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"Rise and shine!" I shout at Holly. She slept over last night so we could talk about how we wanted to decorate the apartment and things.

Today we have to pack and get everything ready for the move. Duff and some of the guys are coming over to help us, because we can use all the help we can get. Im just really excited to see Axl today too.

After I've got myself ready a little, I hear the door open. Holly and I rush downstairs.

"Hey little sis!" Duff says holding out his arms, indicating he would like a hug.

My eyes scatter the room in search of Axl. I see everyone. Everyone except him.

Before I knew it, I was already asking Duff where he was. I didn't want to ask, because I didn't want to sound crazy, or make it look like I care. Sometimes I get the feeling he doesn't.

"Oh, um Ax. Yeah he's uhhh-" Steven cut him off. "He's sick!" He yelled, hitting Duff on the shoulder.

Kind of suspicious if you ask me, but why would they lie? Holly is already on the couch with Slash talking about god knows what.

Slash and Izzy went over to help Holly with her things, and Duff and Steven stayed to help me with mine. Of course our parents are helping too.

I started taking my clothes out of drawers and putting them in boxes, and the guys took on my closet. I really didn't want to mess with that one. I have way too many things in there.

My mom washed all of my dirty clothes, and my dad took the boxes and loaded them up in the car. I guess you could say we had a nice little system going.

Holly and I will be going shopping once we get settled in for new furniture and things like that. We really can't pack up all of that stuff, and I still want some of my things here when I visit.

After about 4 hours of packing the car is loaded with boxes and we set off to L.A. Holly is going to meet us there, along with the guys.

Arriving to the apartment

"There it is." I think to myself as we pull up to the place I'll be living for the next few years, along with my best friend. The place I'll make many more memories and friends at. The place ill really find myself at. And honestly, I can't wait.

Everyone grabs a couple of boxes and takes them in. Holly is already in the apartment unpacking some things. I take a box full of my clothes and plop it on what is now my new bedroom floor.

I can't help but think about Axl. The guys sounded suspicious when I asked where he was, I'm not sure if I should be worried or not. I really should talk to him about what's going on. I can't put it off any longer.

After Holly and I get things settled in I'll call Ax and ask if he'd like to go out for lunch or something.. Its just hard when you don't know if someone feels the same way.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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