Beauty 💕

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Annie's pov
Annie-I miss this ☺️
Hayden-Me too
Hayden leaves and says he'll be back tomorrow I walk him out and say goodnight.
Hayley- What happened ?
Hayley- What stuff ?
Annie-I picked Hayden over Johnny ok
Annie-Hayley I know you liked Johnny better than Hayden but when you get to know him he's really sweet believe me.
Hayley-Ok 😁
Me and Hayley head up to my room and fall asleep on my bed. Me and Hayley love sleeping with each other because when Caleb died we both had nightmares and had each other.
(The next day)
I wake up and head to my bathroom. I wash up and pick out an outfit and style up my hair.

 I wash up and pick out an outfit and style up my hair

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Annie's outfit

 Annie's hair I walk downstairs and see mommy cooking breakfast

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Annie's hair
I walk downstairs and see mommy cooking breakfast. I run up to her and give her a huge hug.
Mom-How are you Annie
Annie-I'm all good
Mom-So...did Hayden come over last night...
Mom-Did you guys talk out your problem ?
Annie-Yeah we did...☺️
Mom-Annie stop blushing 😂
Annie-Whatever...😂...where's dad ?
Mom-He went to work.
Annie-Oh I really wanted to see him
Mom-I know honey he'll be back this afternoon
Annie-ok 😔
The doorbell rings and I run to the door. I open it and see Hayden standing there holding a bunch of beautiful roses
Hayden-Good morning beautiful
Annie-Hayden this must have cost a fortune 😍
Hayden-I'll spend any amount of money for you Annie
Annie-Aww Hayden...
I let him inside the house. I put the roses on the living room coffee table and we both walk into the kitchen.
Mom-Hello Hayden how are you
Hayden-I'm good and you ?
Mom-I'm all good. I see you brought some roses for Annie those are her favorite plants 😁
Annie-I know right aren't they beautiful !
Hayden-Like you
Mom-Alright love birds breakfast is ready
We eat breakfast and my mom drops us off at the mall. Me and Hayden go to Forever 21 first.
Hayden-I'll pay
Annie-You paid the last time 😂
Hayden-Oh well 😂✨
Annie-I'm paying no matter what you say.
I put my stuff on the counter and so does Hayden. The cashier tells us the price and I pull out my purse but then Hayden picks me up and puts me behind him. He pulls out his wallet and pays for the stuff. He grabs all the bags and tells me to come on.
Hayden-What 😂
Annie-I wanted to pay !
Hayden-Oh well....lets grab some lunch
Hayden-Where do you wanna go ?
We head down to chipotle and order some food. Hayden pulls out his wallet and pays for our order. We eat and leave to head home.
I get a call from Katie
(Conversation with Katie)
Katie-Hey Annie !
Annie-Hey Katie !
Katie-Its been a long time since I've heard your voice wanna hang out tomorrow ?
Katie-Annie can I tell you something ?
Annie-Sure why not
Katie-Um...well Brennan told me what happened with him and Hayden and he's extremely sorry also he's been depressed all he wants to do is see your face Annie please
Annie-Fine but no funny business
Katie-Ok when can you come over ?
Annie-Tomorrow when we hang out I can come over to your house.
Katie- Ok thank you Annie
Annie- No problem bye Katie love ya ❤️
Katie-Love you more 💖✨
(End of conversation)
Hayden-Who was that ?
Annie-It was Katie my bestie 😊 Where hanging out tomorrow.
Annie-Wanna come ?
Hayden-I have to go fishing with my dad tomorrow.
Annie-oh ok
My mom picks us up and stops by Hayden's house I get out the car and walk him to his door.
Annie-I had fun ☺️
Hayden-Me too
He leans in and we kiss for more than 10 seconds. I smile at him and skip off to the car.
Mom-Aww Annie...😍
Annie-Mommy stop 😂
Mom-Whatever you say
Annie-Mommy can I hang out with Katie tomorrow ?
M-Yeah no problem
Moms pov
I can see that Annie's in love. I love seeing her happy. Since Caleb died she hasn't really been herself. I don't have a problem with her hanging out with friends everyday but I feel like she is ditching Hayley. Annie is a teenager so of course she won't always hang out with her little sister. We reach are drive way and I park the car. Annie skips to the house and I follow her. She runs up to her room probably about to text Hayden. It's like there opposed with each other. I look at the roses Hayden brang Annie. They look amazing and expensive. He's such a sweet boy.
Dad-Who brang these roses ?
Mom-Hayden brang them for Annie
Dad-Wow there really in love with each other
Mom-I know right it's like us when we where 13.
Dad-I miss those moments...
(The next day)
Annie's pov
I wake up and run downstairs. I grab some yogurt from the refrigerator and then I wash up and get dressed.

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