Forgive and Forget ✨

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Hayden's pov
I walk back home to think. I was really in love with Annie...what's wrong with me I never felt this way before. Should I forget about I can't it's impossible. I text Annie but it says I'm blocked. I call her mom.
(Calling Ms. Katie)
H-Hayden MK-Ms.Katie
H-Hi Ms. Katie it's Hayden
MK- Oh hi Hayden, how are you and Annie doing ?
H-She didn't tell you ?
MK-Tell me what ?
H-We got into an argument and then she left.
MK-Did you try to talk to her ?
H-I tried
MK-Well try again there's a spear key under the welcome mat use that to get in the house and talk to her
H-Thank you Ms. Katie
MK-No problem Hayden have a nice day
(End of call)
I head down stairs and grab my shoes. Then I walk down to Annie's house. Ms. Katie says there's a spear key under the welcome mat so I look down there and see a spear key. I pick it up and open the door. I don't see anyone home. I walk upstairs and hear giggling from Hayley's bedroom. I open the door and see. Hayley, Annie, and Johnny watching Disney Channel.
A-Annie HL-Hayley J-Johnny H-Hayden
HL-How did you get in here ?!?
H-Your mom told me there was a spear under your welcome mat.
A-What do you want
J-Yeah what DO you want ?
H-I wanna talk to Annie ALONE !
J-Why can't you talk to her in front of us ?
H-Johnny stop acting like an idiot
J-She doesn't love you anymore Hayden
H-Well I didn't hear her say that from her mouth did I no.
J-Annie tell him
A-But what if I do ?
HL-awkward...I'm gonna go downstairs
H-Yeah I think you should
A-No Hayley wait !
Hayley walks out of the door and Annie try's to follow her but I hold her back and block the door
A-Hayden move !
A-Why ?!?!
H-You have to choose
A-Choose what...?
J-Hayden come on really
A-Are you asking me to choose between you two
H-Yes Me or Johnny...
A-I have to think about it
H-Go ahead take all the time you need
A-Wait your staying
H-Yep I'm not moving from this door
After like an 2 hours Annie finally lifts her head up and looks at me and Johnny.
A-I choose...
J-wait !
H-Oh come on Johnny
J-Before you choose just know that I love you no matter what happens
H-Ok Johnny you made your point now SHUT UP !
A-I choose....Hayden.....
J-After everything he has done to still choose him...
A-Johnny I'm sorry but me and Hayden have a connection... it doesn't feel right when I'm away from him...
J-Annie it won't last long and when you realize that I'll be waiting for you...
Annie's pov
I watch Johnny get up and leave my room. I don't bother to stop him because I know I have to let him go. I can't have two boys at once it just doesn't go that way. Hayden looks at me for a whole 2 minutes.
H-Hayden A-Annie
A-Why are you looking at me like that 😂
A-Because what
H-Your breath taking
Hayden leans in and are lips connect

Hey guys this is gonna be it for now. I know this chapter is pretty short but the next chapter is gonna be very long so get ready 😁. This story is ongoing I post everyday or 2 times a day. Guys I can't believe we have 2K readers Thank you guys so much 💖✨. Thanks for reading !
651 words ☺️
#hannie ❤️

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