"You don't anymore?"


"Well then, what's so bad? You may not be gay. You may just be bisexual or something."

"But I've never felt this way about a guy before." I sighed again. I'm getting frustrated.

"Ever thought that you were just gay for him?" Jake suggested and I thought about it for a while. Gay for Harry?

"No. Maybe I am. Thanks Jake." I smiled to myself.

"No problem. Call me and tell me how everything goes, yeah?"

"Okay, thanks again. Bye."

"Bye." And then I hung up.

I'm gay for Harry.

~End of Flashback~

Harry and I walked out the tattoo shop and I dropped Harry off. "You can come in if you'd like." Harry suggested. I shrugged and nodded parking my car. We walked up to Harry's house and he unlocked the door and let us both in. I've never been to his house before, it was a bit smaller then mine but then again he doesn't have four sisters.

Harry walked up the stairs, with me behind him and opens a door to a room that I think is his bedroom. I was proven correct when he opened his door to reveal a typical teenage boys bedroom. It had beige walls that were covered in posters of different bands. His room was kind of messy with clothes on the floor and shoes here and there, but it was cleaner then mine.There was also  a queen size bed, a desk and a wardrobe.

Harry sat on the bed and patted the seat beside him and I sat down. "Boring, isn't it?" Harry asked and I shook my head.

"No, it's nice and typical."

"Aka, boring."

"Nah Haz, it's wonderful."

"Yeah, yeah." Harry waved me off, "So what do you want to do?"

"What? You invited me in with nothing planned?" I mocked disgust.

"No, we can play FIFA or watch the telly, or watch a movie and eat the cake I made yesterday." Harry explained.

"Cake!" I exclaimed, "I want cake! Lets watch a movie!"

"Okay. Lets go." Harry said and left the room with me close behind and I subtly checked out his cute little bum. But it'll never compare to my sexy ass, if I'm going to honest. At that thought I looked behind me and admired my butt.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked staring at me. I tried to hide the blush that was slowly creeping on my checks.

"Checking out my fine ass." I admitted proudly.

"Why?" Harry asked confused.

"It's sexy and you know it." I smirked with a wink and walked past him, purposely swaying my hips, and into the living room to pick out a movie.

"You can pick out the movie and I'll cut the cake." Harry said, his voice fading as he walked into the kitchen. I picked up the movies and looked through them and came across The Exorcist. I smirked and put it in the DVD player. If I'm lucky Harry will get scared and cuddle with me.

Wait a minute.

Here I am hoping I'll get lucky if a guy gets scared and cuddles me. I can get lucky anytime I want from any girl at the school. Well actually it's more of them getting lucky but whatever.

Harry walked back in with two plates with chocolate cake on them. I licked my lips and smiled taking a plate and sitting next to him, maybe a bit closer than normal but he didn't seem to notice. "What movie did you pick?" Harry asked putting a piece of cake in him mouth and started to chew. I stared at his lips for a second and unknowingly licked my lips. I don't think Harry noticed because he was looking at the television screen. But I quickly recovered by answering his question. 

"The Exorcist." I said in a scary voice and Harry turned to me with wide-eyes.

"T-the E-e-exorcist?" Harry stuttered frightened and I frowned.

"If you don't want to watch it we don't have to." I reassured. I may want Harry to become a little scared but not terrified.

"N-no it's f-fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Harry said with a forced smile.

"Well I'm right here if you need me." I said and smiled at him. Harry nodded and I started the film. We were halfway through the film when Harry screamed for the thousandth time, "Are you sure you're okay, Haz?" I asked again and Harry looked at me and timidly shook his head. I opened my arms and Harry crawled in, while I mentally did a fist pump. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and hid his head in my chest. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and used my hand on my other hand to massage his scalp. His curls were very soft. Harry sighed and sounded... content? I looked down and smiled fondly at the boy before turning my attention back on the telly. Harry poked his head out a few times but he hid his head immediately after and he'd occasionally jump.

Once the movie was over I looked back down at Harry and noticed he fell asleep. I smiled and realized he was too cute to wake up. I gently kissed his head of curls and fell asleep myself.

The Tutor // l.s.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora