Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

"Hey Niall." I greeted Niall after closing my locker. We've become close friends since I befriended Louis. We even texted a few times. But we aren't as close as me and Louis nor me and Zayn, but close.

"Hey Haz!" Niall uses the weird nickname Louis made up, Louis hates it that the other lads caught onto the nickname, but deals with it.

"What's up?"

"The sky." Niall chuckles at his own joke and continues, "I'm good, mate. You?"

"I was good until a little Irishman showed up at my locker."

"Aw don't say that Haz! You know you love me!" Niall coos giving me kissy faces. I slap his cheek lightly and laugh at his face. "Anyways! I came over here to ask if you wanted to hang out with us on Friday. Do you?"

"A-all of you? Including L-Liam?" I stuttered.

"He isn't such a bad guy when you get to know him. He was friends with Louis first and was kind of brainwashed to believe being gay is bad. But since Louis asked him to change... he'll probably be the nice fun-loving guy who is really responsible, believe it or not. And if he does something you can tell me, I'll make sure it'll be the last time." Niall reassured me.

I was still kind of iffy so I asked, "C-can I bring Zayn?"

Niall hesitated before saying, "Sure. I guess, as long as you come." Niall shrugged

"Okay..." I said and we walked to our next class, because we're in the same Year and we share most classes, which I never noticed before, or they're only a few doors away from each other.


 "I don't know about this." Zayn said unsure while we were walking to Niall's house.

"What's so wrong? I'm friends with two of them. And if Niall's right, maybe all of them by the end of the night."

"But what I don't understand is why I have to go." Zayn said.

"Because, I want you to be a part of the new friendships I'm making." I half lied. I wasn't going to admit to Zayn that I was still kind of scared of Liam.

"I don't like them." Zayn stated.

"No, you didn't give them a chance. You just hate Louis for some reason..." I trailed off hoping he'd get the memo to explain why. By the look in his face I knew he understood what I was implying but he kept his mouth shut. I sighed and we spent the rest of the walk in silence.

When we got to the correct house I knocked on the door. Moments later it was being opened by a bleached blonde hair lad who was beaming at us. "Harry! Zayn?" Niall asked looking at Zayn who nodded. "Great! I'm usually terrible with names, but today must be lucky day! Come in! The others are already here." Niall ushered us in and closed the door. We took off our shoes and followed Niall into the living room. I saw Louis on the couch and waved at him and sat beside him. I haven't brought up the kiss to Louis, Louis didn't either. I guess he really didn't remember and I'm grateful for that.

"Liam's in the kitchen." Niall informed me and sat on the armchair near the couch. I nodded and right on queue Liam walked out.

"Hey Ni do mind that I-" Liam cut himself off when he saw me and Zayn. "Hey Zayn." Liam waved to Zayn and Zayn nodded with a small smile. Why is he smiling? Doesn't he dislike them? He didn't put an effort into smiling at Niall. "Hello... Harry." Liam said awkwardly and I awkwardly waved back.

We were in an awkward silence for a while before Niall spoke up, "Let's not make this more awkward then it has to be, yeah? Harry, Liam, how ‘bout you guys just start fresh? Forget the past? Let’s pretend this is your first encounter. I think you guys will get along better that way."

Liam nodded and said, "I'm Liam Payne and you are?" He asked with an outstretched hand. Everyone's eyes were on me, waiting for my next move. I stared at his hand for a moment before a smile started growing on my lips. I gratefully took his hand and shook it, "I'm Harry Styles." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"So... what did you have planned for today Nialler?" Louis asked from beside me.

"Hmm..." Niall pretended to think, "We can play FIFA and the three who aren't playing cheer on their favorite player." Niall suggested and we all shrugged, "Yay! It's me against Louis." Niall declared. Zayn cheered for Niall and Liam cheered for Louis, and I cheered for them both. In the end Louis won and Zayn and Liam comforted Niall while I congratulated Louis. Once Niall was cheered up from his fake sobbing session Niall and Liam congratulated Louis and Zayn stayed silent and Louis didn't seem to mind. What's up with them?

We played FIFA for another hour and once we were done we just hung out. We just talked and joked around. It was a bit weird though. Zayn was accepting Liam perfectly fine even though he bullied me. He talked to him more than he did to Niall, which was weird because Niall never bullied me, physically nor verbally. But Louis and Zayn never talked, never made eye contact, nothing! They acted as if the other wasn't there.

Liam and I however started fresh. Niall was right, Liam was a nice guy. He apologized a lot of times for his behavior and said he'd never forgive himself. I had to comfort him a lot because he seemed genuinely upset. I told him that if I can forgive him then he can forgive himself too. We buried the hatchet and we're friends now.

Niall was getting along with everybody. Completely oblivious to how Louis and Zayn were acting. He was very happy about me and Liam's comprise though. Around ten o'clock Niall ordered pizza. When the pizza guy came Niall went to get it with Liam while Zayn took a phone call leaving me alone with Louis for the first time tonight.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He replied simply. I was about to reply but got stuck looking into his eyes. They were so blue. Like ocean, they were beautiful. I then moved down to his lips, thin and feminine like. I've been craving them on my mine ever since I remembered the kiss, but sadly that will never happen. I don't know how long I've been staring but by the time I was brought back to reality Niall was coming in with a plate with three slices of pizza on it. I would've made a comment about it but what I couldn't figure out was,

Why didn't Louis snap me out of my trace, after I was obviously staring at him? Was he staring back? Or was it to funny to ruin?

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