The test for science, that had been stressing everyone out besides me apparently, was easy. I thought I 'd done it well but when I looked at Caroline and Jenna, they thought different.
''I've been studying for that stupid test for over a week, a whole week! And you know what my grade will be? An F. A big loser F. ''
Caroline immediately agreed and promised to never learn again because it hadn't changed a thing.
I tried to look as sad as I could too, hoping they wouldn't notice I felt pretty confident about an A. They didn't buy it though.
''Don't even think of pretending, we all know you will have an A as usually. I really don't get how a person can be that smart. It even seems like you don't even study. '' I raised an eyebrow at Caroline. I hated the whole jealousy thing. Besides, she knew my story, she knew I was hundreds of years old and had had plenty time to study. After a few seconds, her face changed and she seemed to get what she hadn't realized before. Jenna though, sighed and complained some more.

After lunch break, I told them about the nightmare but I left a couple of things out like the werewolf part. Jenna needn't to know.
''Dreams are usually your unconscious, talking to you. Maybe you were afraid once, when he was around and now you just relate Jake to fear. '' Caroline suggested.
I tried to think back, perfectly able to picture every single moment we had spent together which were too few. But none of those pictures showed any sing of fear.
''Where's Bonnie? Wasn't she supposed to meet us here? She's already ten minutes late. '' Jenna interrupted my thoughts, looking at her watch. I had totally forgotten our meeting about the party at Tyler's, it was this week, Friday the thirteenth. I wasn't superstitious but I didn't feel good about it either.

Stefan drove me home and while we were in the car, I turned the music down.
''Did you tell Elijah about what happened with Willow and me? '' I asked him. It had been keeping me buzzy about how he'd known and the only thing I could think of was because of Stefan but I couldn't find a reason to tell Elijah so I figured I'd just ask.
''Yeah, I did.'' He started to drive faster right before a sharp turn which made us almost slip where after he slowed down again. I had grabbed the handlebars on the ceiling, not letting them go anytime soon.
''Why?'' I asked and hoped he would drive carefully.
''I figured, if he thinks I'm not capable of looking out for you, he won't ever let me do it again. That way, I never need to babysit your little ass again. '' He smiled and drove the car to the front of our house where he stopped. ''Sometimes, I 'm even amazed by how smart I am. '' With that, he went inside and I sighed, unbuckling my belt. I didn't know what to feel, betrayed or glad that Stefan wasn't ever going to babysit again.
Before I walked inside, I lingered in front of the door. I stuck my hand out, as to feel the shield but I grabbed air. I wanted to pull my head back outside, wanted to enjoy the nature a little bit longer but it wouldn't come outside. It was like it was stuck in cement. Rebekah placed her hand on mine and pushed it back outside. I smiled, thankful.
''Want to walk around the house?'' She asked. I nodded and felt glad I wasn't the only one needing some fresh air. As soon as we were on the path that wasn't exactly a path anymore with all the weeds growing on it, Rebekah started talking.
''I heard what Stefan told you in the car. '' I frowned. ''What about it?''
''He was lying, you know.''
''About what? He didn't tell Elijah? Then who did?'' She smiled and shook her head.
''Easy, you,'' my sister plucked a leaf from one of my favorite trees, it was as old as I was and had survived all these years.
''He didn't lie about what he did but about why he did it. ''
''Why would he lie about that?'' Rebekah looked at me like I was a naïve child. I looked away and focused my attention on a little rock I was kicking forth.
''Stefan and his pride, it will never change. After what happened to you and that girl-,''
''Willow.'' I told her.
''Willow, he felt bad. He felt like he'd failed. ''
''Well, he actually did fail , I mean,'' I stopped after the mad look I got.
''What I'm trying to say is, he doesn't trust himself anymore to look out for you, he's afraid something like this will happen again and he would never want you to get hurt. '' I snorted.
''Yeah, right. And secretly, he's also not a vampire but a fairy.''
''Baby.'' She said where after she rushed through my hear which left a lot of knots for me to untangle. Awesome. After lunch, I started my homework, the assignments we got didn't make themselves, too bad. I was so concentrated that when I felt my phone buzz, I didn't react until a minute later. I took it out and read the messenger. I got a weird feeling in my stomach. I didn't know whether it was from the dream or something else.

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