Ode to Bacom

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The way you sizzle on the grill.

The way your juices flow all over the pan makes my mouth water.

There are no words to describe the first bite of your sweet meaty tender body.

When I lick your juices off my lips, I crave more.

You seduce me with your looks.

You shine beneath my kitchen light.

Everything an you is red. Your grease, you color, your attitude, and your blood.

You were slaughtered from innocent pigs.

You are mans greatest weakness.

I love you but you are my enemy.

You make my breakfast better but you ruin me.

My heart aches for you.

You are not perfect.

You are flawed.

Like the rest of us.

You cry in your pool of grease because no one mistakes the grease for your tears.

You crackle in my ear.

You say your sweet words and expect me to come to your needs.

But I refuse.

I refuse to bite into your tender body.

I toss you out and go for something else.

Something worse.

Soy bacon.

It's healthier for the both of us in the long run.

I know you cry at night because I refuse to go back to you.

But nothing was really serious with you.

It was toxic.

Never meant to go farther then a one time thing.

But it never went that way did it?

I kept coming back to you.

But it hurt me physically and emotionally.

I tossed you out and let the dogs have their way with you.

But as I saw you remains, I cried.

But even after everything I can still taste you on my lips.

I will forever wonder what if?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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