Those idiots.

To say Louis was angry, wouldn't really be anything compared to what his tiny body was feeling at the moment. He was fucking pissed. He wanted to slap those morons who decided it'd be ok to make such mean comments.

Such disgusting rotten things.

For crying out loud, Louis is a flower child, a child of god. Never had he had a boyfriend, never had he had a first kiss, or any firsts. Not because no one wanted to kiss him or anything, because there were boys in line to even be graced with Louis' presence. It was simply because the small child simply didn't want to have such responsibilities at his age.

He didn't see the point of having a boyfriend now, plus today's teens only wanted sex, which Louis was not to keen on ever giving. He believed in sex after marriage. He believed that one should only have sex with on specific person and that person only.

Louis was about to turn the corner when he bumped into something, and hard. Causing him to lose his grip on his Tumblr.

"Jesus my drink!" He shrieked.

No. Just no. He stood in line all by himself. He was a big boy. Just like he told his mummy.  Ugh.

Louis stomped his little foot and glared at the thing (man) he had ran into. Not only was his drink spilled all over the floor, but his shirt and skirt had been drenched in the cold coffee.

His white skirt was ruined. His favorite skirt.
Popping out his hip and crossing his arm's, Louis looked up at the man, which, in his opinion, was taller than anyone he'd ever met.

"Hey mister, watch where you're going, you ruined my outfit!" He huffed. He stomped. And boy was he angry. He could feel a tantrum coming in and he had the right to throw a fit.

"Don't worry babe's, it can be fixed." The man had a ruff accent. A deep one too. Louis couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated.

"We can put it in the wash." He suggested

And ok, Louis was definitely having dejavú, not only was this the second day he'd had something spilt, but the mans dark green eyes stared him down with a hard gaze. It was hard, but they screamed comfort. Something that reminded him of his older siblings.

Louis huffed because no, this stranger was being too nice and he probably wanted to kidnap Louis. So no, it couldn't. Plus his daddy said not to talk to stranger's.

"I don't think so, you could kidnap me and my ma and pa would hunt you down." Louis tried to sound intimidating, key word tried.

"Awe c'mon babe, don't be rude, I'll buy you a new outfit, and about your Tumblr, I'll get you one of those too."

Louis glanced at his Tumblr on the floor and immediately sagged his shoulders. He couldn't help it, he really couldn't. His intimidating act dropped and he started to cry. One, because he had gotten that Tumblr on the first Christmas without his brother's. It had a picture of all three of them on it. And two, he just didn't know what else to do.

So he just cried.

He went to pick it up. And looked at it. It had a big crack from the top all the way to the middle of it. The picture that had been costumed to be put on there was fine. Just a bit scratched. Though the cup itself was ruined. No amount of super glue or tape could fix this.

Louis didn't know why else to do, he had been in his own little world just crying. People who were passing were probably giving him dirty looks but he didn't care. All he cared about was his Tumblr. To hell with everyone he thought. He glanced at the tall man who was the cause of this whole situation and smiled slightly when he saw him giving curious viewers a hard mean glare.

The tall stranger approached Louis and picked him up. Louis would've thrown a fit but he was just too emotionally drained. Plus, the tall stranger smelled really good.

Louis held tight onto his broken Tumblr and proceeded to keep crying into the mans neck. As embarrassing as it was, he didn't feel embarrassment, he felt comfortable in the mans strong arms.

Louis felt small pats on his back, making Louis feel pliant in the mans arms. By now his cries had gone from sobs to quiet sniffles. It would be a lie if Louis said he hadn't fallen asleep on the man. Light snore's were slipping past his plump lips. That was when the man knew he had to either find his parents or take him with him.

He chose the latter. For he was too gorgeous to let go of.

And that is how Harry Styles left a crowded mall with a little boy named Louis Tomlinson.

Holy shit, this took a while and I'm confused tbh, I really don't know where this book is going, but I will keep it alive for all you 200 readers! I love you all very much, and please, if you can and want to, comment. I need new juices ideas for this shit book.

Much love, D. x

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