Chapter Four

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3rd pov

They were all sat on the dining room table before Louis even began to stir. The four of them having had a sleepless night, causing purple almost bruise like bags under their eyes. The rays of the morning sun came in through the kitchen window.

It would've been a view they would've all enjoyed watching, the way the warm sunny rays reminded them all of Louis' cute button little nose, or his sweet little giggle he would make after being called golden baby. It was beautiful to say the least. He is beautiful. But alas, under any other circumstance's that is.

As the sun rose, the thicker the tension got. It  got to a point where it got so tense that you could cut it with a knife. They were all in their own little worlds. Thinking of the future and if their plan would work. I mean it had to work, right?  Both their plans were a little crazy but hopefully they'd all come to agreeing terms.

A clearing of a throat was heard, it was Victor, it always was him.

"Brother, please be a doll and get this over with"  he said with an annoyed tone. One which Zayn did not like in the slightest bit.

"Shut it Vic."  He growled in a low tone because who the fuck did he think he was?

Their parents couldn't help but watch their identical son's with amused looks on their faces. Small smiles, barely there, but the tiniest inch of the corner of their lips were curled upwards. Looked as almost as if they were scowling.

They knew how Zayn hated being told what to do. Even at such a young age. He was always the more dominant twin. Taking after his father, or course. Victor was the more laid back twin. Always gentle and slow with his movements, unlike Zayn whose movements were rough and harsh.

"Or what? You ain't gonna hit me you puss"  he said with a smirk, because he knew he wouldn't actually hit him.

Now if there was something Victor loved most in the world it would have to be taunting his twin. Víctor loved getting expressions out of his brother. Wether it be annoyed ones, angry, or even pleasured one's. But that was a different story for another day. Right now, they were trying to solve something minor before it got out of hand.

"Victors right son" Marcus spoke up with a sigh.

"Don't call me son you sick son of a bitch!"

Zayn stood up causing his chair to drop back making a loud bang to sound. He had the sudden urge to hit hit father, to claw at his face anything really, he just wanted to see the man in pain. He wanted to do everything and anything. His hands were clenched at his sides ready to throw the first punch, but a small angry voice stopped him.


Zayn's blood went cold.

Everyone's head snapped to the kitchens doorway. There stood a small angry looking Louis with his blanket in one hand and his shoes in the other. To say Louis was startled was one thing. He had been woken up to all the ruckus in the dining room.

To say Louis was angry would be an understanding, I mean, jeez didn't they know he needed his beauty sleep?

"Zaynie that wasn't very nice of you" he scolded. Zayn unclenched his balled up fists and hung his head in shame.

"Im sorry Lou. I woke you with my shouting" he mumbled.

Now there's one thing Zayn never does, not even with his twin nor his parents or anyone period that isn't Louis, and that is apologize. Rare occasions would he ever mutter those two words but Louis brought out the best of him.


"It doesn't matter anymore Z, but you can make up for me if you take me to buy new shoes please."

Gosh, Louis was such a doll before he could say anything his father spoke up.

"Louis dear, what a great idea, how about we all go, as a family?"

And ok who the fuck did his father think he was. Thought Zayn there was no way in fucking hel-

"Oh! What a good idea Marky! It'll be like old times, you'd like that, right Lou baby?"

No, thought Zayn. No no no no. This wasn't supposed to happen. And if looks could kill his parents would have dropped dead.

"Really mommy? That would be wonderful!"

Louis squealed. He was so happy his parents suggested this. They were always so smart. He didn't know what they had been arguing about earlier, he really didn't care either. It was big kid stuff and he was still a baby.

"How bout that Victor, Zayn? Are you both willing to be on our best behavior and have a family day out with us?"

The older twins really hated their parents. Because this weekend was only for Louis. Not their sick parents. They shared a look, and then nodded at each other. It had to be done. Weather the wanted go or not, this was time with their baby brother.

Zayn got up abruptly. He brushed past Louis and his parents and stomped up the stairs.

Louis's happy vibe high slowly came down to a confused one. Why was Zaynie being so mean to him and his mommy and daddy?

Victor spoke up, jo one knew what to say, dot they feared they'd make the smaller boy cry. After a few more awkward moments, Victor got up form his spot at the table and walked towards Louis with open arms.

Louis sniffled and accepted the older boy's warm embrace. He dropped his shoes and clutched his blanket to his chest, because his chest hurt bad. He felt like he needed a boo boo healer on it because it hurt that bad.

"Awe, Louis. Baby we don't need mean ol' Zayn, you can have me, the better twin"

Louis couldn't help but giggle through his sniffles. He loved his brother Victor.

"Ok" he said through giggles.

"Oh how wonderful!" Jay squealed. "This'll be lovely! Marky poo please go start the car up, dear!"

Family day!

Yay! Louis thought, today was gonna be a good day.


Z: my bro, our plan has wrked.

V: yes brother dearest, now it's just a matter of time.

Z: ill see u in a bit.

V: Jesus Z, learn how to spell.

Z: over my ded body, Vickaroni.


Ok I'm a real shitty author. What can I say lol. Please, this was rushed. But I hope you guys liked it either way.

Much love, D. x

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