Chapter 4.

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Ryan exits without another word, I'm sitting on the couch, all alone in my Las Vegas home. This gives me time to think about the events of the party that changed everything.

I lean forward pinching the base of my nose trying to remember. I was drunk. This much I know. But I know for a fact me and Ryan weren't together. A groan escapes and the more I strain to remember this night the more my head hurts. It feels as if my head is between a vice and it continues to tighten. Tighter and tighter.

I feel something warm trickle down over my lips, instinctively I go to rub it away. And what I see is thick red blood. My heart begins to thrash as panic begins to take over. My fight or flight kicks in and I jump up from the couch rushing for the bathroom. Wiping and splashing water all over my face the blood continues to gush.

'Click, click, click.' I hear the steps fade in from behind me. I don't move but look in the bathroom mirror. It's her. I say that because I know the face. I know of a recent encounter with her. I just can't remember what was of it. Chills cover my body raising every fine hair.

"Don't question things Brendon...just enjoy it. This isn't promised forever..."

She's fades right before my eyes, then blood has disappeared and my face is clean of the red stain. I find myself blinking rapidly trying to register and remember.

Falling to my knees I grab the porcelain rim of the sink trying to keep from falling into the blackness but it takes over and the next thing I know the world around my suddenly ceases to exist and I'm in a weightless slumber.

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