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Kaylee pov

Harry rolls me into the hospital hallway.He talks to the secretary for any instructions on how to care for me.he looked a bit confused on some things so i listened to help him if any of this happened.make sure she gets plenty rest blah blah ,drink plenty of fluids blah blah was all i really heard.i was really distracted from the cheeky boy in front of me .how did i even get this boy to fall in love with me .why me,he saved my life risking his career and his own life for me , i mean were just strangers for all i know,i just met him a month ago and now I'm leaving with him.before i could any more harry called my name to get me back on earth and not in my deepest thoughts that i could not escaped myself.

'you ready kaylee,we can go to your house first so we can ..urm..get your stuff'

'OK'i murmured not wanting to leave my house but if i get to be safe i am OK.but what about Kayla what is she going to do better yet where is she going to stay ?

"what about Kayla,where is she going"

"shes going to be with us for a while until your mom gets better'he rubbed my knuckles to assure me that everything is going to be fine,which he always manages to do

"lets go"he said after the minutes where he swiftly puts me and my stuff in his beloved range rover he seems to be riding. I wonder why he rides this same car after he is in the biggest boy band in the world.

We reach  my driveway missing the way my house looked like . Harry pull's me on his back as we went to the front door . I didn't have my key so we had to knock. Not to my surprise Kayla answered the door looking like a complete train wreak.

"my stuff is ready  Ill go put it in the car while you get her stuff"Kayla seemed sad , but happy in a way to see that  I am safe and sound. Harry walks towards my room and lays me on the bed while he grabs the stuff i ordered him to get.

after we finished getting my stuff he takes me too the car and my stuff also . Then we drive  back to the house.

"what would you like to do for the day"harry asked both of us with a cheeky but real smile.

"urm..i can go for frozen yogurt or a movie,how bout you Kayla"i say while turning to see her face for an expression.

"um..the park'she says very quietly.

 "we can go to all three " Harry said very loudly and excited as he threw his hands of the steering wheel that ends up us swerving a little to the side.Me and Kayla giggle of how harry is excited to go  with us emotional wreaks.

'whats so funny " harry says in a very innocent tone like what happened just  few minutes ago never happened.

"nothing "me and Kayla both said simultaneous witch made us giggle more.

We reached a pair of gates that open up to reveal the gigantic and enormous house that laid before my eyes.   All me and Kayla could do was awe at the magnificent house before us.

"this is the house ,i mean mansion were staying at' i question still looking at the house.

"nope its that cardboard box next to it"he said while pointing to a cardboard box.i knew he was joking because of the dimpled smile he had . We walk into the house not touching anything so we wouldn't break it.

two big red doors open up to a double staircase with a chandelier  at the top. when i look down i find to women standing in front of me.

'" This is Anna "he said while pointing to a dirty blonde that looked well over her thirties,that had a small amount of makeup"and this is Beatrice" while pointing to another women that looked slightly younger than the other but had large amount of makeup . They were complete opposites. " they are going to help around the house while you stay here.' while i looked at his eyes we stood there for a moment until someone cleared their throat "um well let me show you your rooms' he said while holding me and Kayla into his arms

This one is yours ,he said to Kayla it was an enormous room with butterfly stickers around the room. She had her own bathroom and closet for  the first time.  I could tell she loved the room so much her giggling and talking to her stuffed animal on her bed . She came towards me and harry and gave us both a tight squeeze , a little to hard that made me wince. She noticed and loosened the hug.

"thank you so much"she said while she looked into our eyes.

''your welcome ,its the least i can do , now let me take your sister to her room"she nodded then went back to her stuffed animals .

" do you want a room with me or by yourself,cause i am OK with either one as long as it makes you happy."he asked while walking into a hallway.

"with you' i answer while blushing he noticed then pecked my forehead to assure me that he was happy to what i said.we turn to the big room ,twice as big as Kayla's i lay on the bed looking at harry hs he came closer and closer, our faces where literally centimeters away,until a loud scream jolted us up.

"stay put " he said while walking towards the bedroom door

"be safe" i whispered ,he gave me a head nod until he disappeared when i heard another scream.It wasn't Kayla's so i knew it had to be Beatrice or Anna .why would they be scramming. i was left alone only to wonder why.

The Stranger .....Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now