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Harry you dont have to do this " 

"but i want to baby,you know that right"

"yeah ,but i dont know how to pleasure you back'

its alright baby"

As Harry mad e pleasure to me i didn't know what to do i just sat there like a knot on a he thrust ed into me i thought why i was doing this i guess he noticed my face and pulled out of my entrance.

"what's the matter babe"he said while caressing my check"

"nothing ,i just want to go home"

he stopped caressing my cheek then sat there with anger as his eyes became darker and was quiet for a moment until a felt a sharp sting on my left cheek . i stood there frozen until i turned towards him.i wish i didnt because what he had in his hand was all to familiar to was a knife.he stabbed me on the side and continued at that stop.

"i give you everything ,a second chance in life,and even my cock ,but no  why do i even care your just another bitch i picked up at the end os the street"

he yelled more profanities at me until i couldn't hear again the last image i see was him thrusting another sharp knife into my body as the blood oozed out of my lifeless body .i cried out loud until two large hands grasps my shoulders and shook me.

"wake up its just a dream"

The raspy voice,and i knew who it was ,harry. i didn't want to be touched from him at this moment ,definitely not after the horrible nigh mare i just had,but he did save my life .I m still going to be cautious of him and not to make myself to comfortable with him.

"yeah ,it was"i say very quiet

"kaylee,urm ...i have to tell you something'

'What is it ,is it something bad or good"i question very wearly not knowing if im ready to hear the news.but i just shake my head agreeingto what was coming.

"kaylee,"he said careesing my cheek just like the dream."your mom...she had a heart attack when you were gone and shes in the hospital'

i sat there quiet wondering if it was intentional or she was worring about me too much like she always does.why does she worring too much,i was caught off of thoughts when arms were wrapped around me.i hug back going aganist what i said me being cautious around him.

"and  Kaylee,her last words before the heart attack were for you to be with me"he said while searching my eyes for emmotion.

"yeah,mother knows best and i dont know what i would do without you with me "

"glad you think that way'

i sat ther still devestated that my mom was in the hospital,but i think she wouldnt want me to worry.i guess the reason why i didnt cry was that i didnt have a single tear to shed after me crying a ocean in the last 48 hours.

" lets get you in more comfortable clothes" harry said while starring at me one last time  before he left to go outside into the hallway to give me space.Those green eyes are some of the things that make my heart melt.i shuffle around getting dressed out of a half hospital gown that had a big line that left me nude in my backside with only strings that attachhed the front ot the back.i walk to the door to let harry in to tell him im done ,but i fall half way with harsh and sharp painds that stung in my lower back.during my fall i drop a couple stuff out of the table wher my food was knocking it over making a ruckus.Harry must have heard it ,no it was so loud i bet the whole hospital heard it.he came in and pulled me up setting me ont the bed.

"you know you shouldnt be getting up ,not until the stiches heal' he said while pointing towards my stomach were badages were.

"i know,but im just tired of this boring place it needs color"i say while pionting at every place were grey and beige was wich was everywhere.

"lets color then,to get mind off of things"he pulled a box of crayons a clipboard and paper out of the blue like he planned this whole conversation and day.

"what do you want to draw?"he asked me as he placed the clipbord onmy lap carefully so he doesnt hurt me.

" about you,just to warn you i am incredibly awesome at drawing"i chuckled as i drew the outline of his face.

"you sure because i could beat you at a drawing contest anyday,anytime'he smirked and strated to draw me .

';its on"i challenge.the only reason i decided to draw him was to have an excuss to stare at him and look at his beutiful features.

i drew his perfect jaw line and thos green eyes.On my drawing i knew i couldnt leave off the smirk that seemed to be on his face every time .i created his chocolate brown curls.i thoght how long has he been away from one direction .before i tried to stop myself from asking my mouth spoke faster than my mind can reach up to.

"are you still in the band" i blurted out that made him stop drawing to look at me .then spoke

"yeah simon gave me a break from all that was happening, but i dont what to go back i dont want to leave you."

my eyes were swelling for some reason then i thought he has no choice to leave me because of the contract but something in me told me he loved me .

"dont le-"i didnt get to finish what i was saying beacaus Harry connected his lips with mine it  was slow until he deepened it then i felt a spark,they were flying everywhere,then the butterflies came in ,god how i had butterflies.he slowly came closer to me but i whinced in pain ,and he stopped.

"why did you stop" i ask when he gave me that smirk i just wanted more.

'babe, your in badages ,plus we have all the time you want  in 2 weeks in our new house'

i love the how he called me babe it was a first ,then i finifhed out what he said ,our new house, what does he even mean.

"our new house" i ask questionly he look at me a nodded

"yeah ,simon said we need to be in the same house,your mom said so too with all the drama is happening ,its very close to your house about 5 minutes.'he said very nervouse counting his fingers for 5 minutes as if he forgot to count.

"ok, im happy you told me early not waiting i get to go home and take me o a forgein place"i patted his shoulder to assure him it was all right.i looke down amd find my picture of harry .I pull the picture up to show harry .he looks up examining it very closly

'not bad,but mines better "he pulled his up and showed me ,It was awful but he tried.i said it was good because he looked so concetrated on it and i didnt want to hurt his feelings.

"the doctor said you could go home today but you have to go on a wheelchair and have plenty of rest.

The Stranger .....Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now