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Kaylees Pov

ive been waiting to do this for a long time,i have known you more than you know me "he pulled the knife out in clear veiw ,grinning at me as if i was fresh meat,"no,you dont have to do this,noo 'thats when the knife dug into my lower stomach.the pain was rising .fear washing me completly."harry,"i fell onto the floor that begain to sink down ,as i sunk further down he laugh histrically like a mad man.

i wake up knowing it was a terible dreams are suppose to be good this was a nightmare,the one that could save me and that i could trust was no longer there.i pulled myself up with the small energy i had off the hard cement ground.It was dark and scary just like my dream.i think i was in a basement, it reaked of death,the smell that you would find at an old buthery,the one that would shrivvle up your nose then leave it to die.The only sound i could hear was a faint drips of water in the was constant so it soothed me and made me forget where i was at the soon as i was about to sleep and forget how my dad was trying to plot his revenge  and to get his filthy hands on me,even though he was my father it di not change of how he was going to kill me.Just image if you were stuck in a deep and dark place where nobody that can help you could hear your loudest screams as you await your death by your own father ,who you dont even know the reason of why he is trying to kill you.i thought i was safe but apparently  death is just around the corner literally.before i was about to go into deep sleep and have a sliver of hope i would be rescue, A loud bang from what seemed upstairs ranged through my ears.It was terrifying.i stubbled and crawled onto my bare feet and hands with only my clothes i had earlier that was reaking of sweat and blood on my back.My hands were full of blisters and sores ,so it made my attempt to crawl very painful ,but if it saved my life i would do it anyday.Iwhen i finnaly reached to the corner that i thought would be the safest,the door burst open.reveiling the man who trys to kill me evry day . my father.

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