Chapter Two

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They hurried down the hallways, their shoes shuffling against the hard wooden floor. As they did, they passed by many wooden doors. These are the rooms of the children who lived in the orphanage, and outside each door was a number made of brass.

"Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to them?" Margaret asked once more, with a hint of concern. "They will be very sad to see you gone all of a sudden."

"I've made up my mind." She snapped, already feeling a bit annoyed for being asked the same question twice. "Leaving quietly would be the best option, for I don't want to break their hearts."

"Fine." Margaret huffed.

They descended a flight of stairs in silence, the shuffling of shoes being the only sound heard.

"Ah! I forgot!" Margaret suddenly exclaimed, stopping in her tracks. "Heron said he was going to wait outside, but I forgot to tell you. I was too busy helping you pack and all."

"Well who invited him then?" Lumina asked, stopping right after Margaret. "I thought he had to help his father with the crops."

Heron is the son of a farmer who lives with his father just a few distances away from the orphanage, and a good friend of both Lumina and Margaret. Just like Margaret, Lumina has known Heron since young, and also because he had lost his mother, the three of them shared in the same suffering.

"He invited himself, Lumi, there isn't more to ask." Margaret replied, quickly walking past Lumina. "We have to hurry, he might already be outside."

Lumina heaved a playful sigh before following her friend down the stairs.

After arriving at the main hall, Lumina made a beeline to the door but was stopped when she heard a familiar voice call out.

"Our dear Lumi has finally grown up!"

Before she could react, two plump arms pulled her into a warm embrace.

"Madam Lucinda... I... can't breath..." The short and plump mistress pulled away in a hurry when she heard the remark.

Madam Lucinda is the Head of the orphanage, and a motherly figure to all the orphans. She is jovial and cheerful, and all the children look up to her - including Lumina.

"Dear me, I'm so sorry, Lumi. It's just that..." A few tears rolled down her cheeks, but she wiped them away comically. "Oh dear, look at me. Ruining your day with tears." She said with a sniff. "You will visit us again, will you?"

"Of course I will, madam." Lumina said. "I will never forget my family."

Upon hearing that, the mistress pulled her into another hug.

"When you leave, remember that you have to be yourself. Love and forgive others, and may the stars guide you in your journey of life."

Lumina smiled and returned the hug.

"The children will miss you and your stories." The mistress said with a sad smile when they pulled away.

"And I will miss them as well." Lumina replied. As much as she did not show it, she was sad that she will have to leave the children.

"We have to hurry before they wake up, Lumi." Margaret urged.

"Alright." Lumina gave Mistress Lucinda one last hug before rushing to the door with Margaret in tow. But she did not make even a few feet to the door before someone lunged at her legs.

"Don't go, Lumi!"

A small child had wrapped his arms around her leg and caught her by surprise, causing her to drop her knapsack.

"Asher! Let go of Lumina this instant!" Madam Lucinda urged the child, but he refused.

Lumina stood still, the child still glued to her leg. She made no effort to shake him off. Then a thought came to her mind, so she knelt down and gently removed the child's hand.

"Asher," she said to the child as she ruffled his brown hair, "I have to leave."

"But I don't want you to leave!" He suddenly yelled. Tears started to roll down his cheeks.

Lumina gently wiped his tears with her cloak. "Don't cry." She said as she patted him on the shoulder. Then without warning, the little boy lunged forward and hugged her.

Another child suddenly appeared from behind a corner and did the same.

"Lillie?" She asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I followed my brother..." The little girl named Lillie said as she rubbed her eyes.

"We're going to miss you..." Asher said as Lillie nodded.

"And I'll miss you too." Lumina said as she hugged them tighter. "But before that, you must promise me something."

The two children looked at her curiously.

She let go of them both. "You must take care of each other, alright?"

Asher nodded intently whereas Lillie let out a yawn.

She smiled and ruffled their hair. "Good."

She stood up and picked up her knapsack. "I'll visit again when I have time. Now go back to bed, it's too early for you both to be up." She ushered the sleepy children to Madam Lucinda, in which the mistress brought them to their rooms.

Asher gave her one last sad glance before disappearing around the corner.

"Can we go now?" Margaret asked, but there was no frustration in her voice. It almost sounded gentle, as if she was asking whether it was alright to leave.

"Yes." Lumina replied. She took one last glance at the hall.

The walls were a faded teal colour, and the mahogany counter was covered with scratches and dents at one corner from all the times the children had accidentally bumped into it. The large windows held all her dreams as she longed to travel and see the world, and the wooden staircase that led to the second floor reminded her of all the times she was sent to bed for doing so.

Now, with just a few more steps she will be free. She will leave the clutches of the old and ancient building like a bird that had just left the nest, and she will spread her wings and live her dreams of seeing the world.

With a mighty heave she pushed open the wooden doors - the last barricades before her freedom.

Now, she is free.

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