Part 14 *Final*

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"___!" The cheers sound and you're tackled by a group of Revolutionaries.
"Dog pile!" The boys yell, hopping on as well. You cough and giggle.
"Hi everyone!" You chuckle. They let you up after a while.
"Move to ze side! Vhere is ___!?" A familiar call sounds. You grin as the okama appears.
"Iva-san!" You cheer, running and hugging him.
"Glad to see you're back!" He laughs, eyes locking on Lucy.
"___, come on! The boys say they're hungry!" Koala calls.
"Oh alright, talk to you later Iva!" You say with a wave. "You coming Lucy?" You ask.
"She is fine vith me, go on ___," Ivankov tells you.
"Okay then," You say with a smile before heading after Koala.
"Mm! This is good!" Stone gasps to the other two. They had found the buffet and were excitedly digging in. You and Koala stood close by watching.
"So you've adopted them..." She comments.
"Yep, well, unofficially... But they're mine," You muse.
"Wonder what Sabo will think of this," Koala chuckles.
"Where is he anyway?" You ask.
"I'm sure he'll pop up soon-"
"___!" His call sounds, making you turn. You felt your heart skip a beat as he crosses the dinning hall swiftly.
"H-Hey FireFace," You greet as he gets a few feet away. Instead of stopping like you expected, he closes the distance, cupping your face and pressing his lips to yours. You freeze in complete shock. He pulls away, face reflecting your blush.
"Please ___, don't leave my side anymore." He breathes. You blink in shock, blushing heavily. He raises an eyebrow. "Uh... ___?" He whispers. You shake your head.
"I... Er.... Um..." You stammer, trying to focus. A cake hits Sabo in the face and you look over to see Alex, Stone, and Lock glaring at him.
"Don't kiss ___!" Alex snaps.
"You're not worthy!" Stone growls.
"Castrate him!" Lock pipes up. You put your hands on your hips.
"Alex! Stone! Lock! Watch your tongues! And behave!" You scold, making them straighten up in surprise. Sabo chuckles, wiping off his face the best he could.
"It's alright, I deserved that... I was an ass to you and I deserve any kind of punishment, but please don't leave again," He tells you. You blink at him and soften.
"Okay.." You murmur, grabbing a napkin and trying to help wipe off his face. "You're going to have to take a shower," You tell him with a slight smirk. "Unless you can burn it off, FireFace." You chuckle. He pauses.
"Think I'll take a shower... Don't leave while I'm gone," He warns, pointing at you.
"I won't... Geez did you miss me that much? I'm flattered," You joke.
"Yes, I did... So much.... And ___, you don't have to be distant anymore now... I understand now," He breathes. Your eyes widen a bit and you look away.
"G-go take a shower... You stink," You lie. He chuckles and heads back out. Koala nudges you.
"So, did you and Lucy become good friends?" She asks. Your brow furrows, the way she said that got you thinking. Your eyes suddenly widen with realization and you blush.
"I-Ivankov!!" You call in alarm as the okama comes in.
"Ves?" He asks.
"Did you... Did you do something to Sabo?" You ask shakily.
"Uh oh~ cat's out of ze bag~"

"No ___! He's in the shower!" Koala gasps, digging her heels into the carpet in an attempt to slow you down.
"He's had plenty of time!" You growl.
"No! The timing is bad ___!" She grunts, losing her grip.
"Koala," You say sternly. She gulps and lets go with a sigh.
"Fine...." She breathes. You continue on down the hall to Sabo's room. You barge in as he walks out of his bathroom with a towel around his waist. He blinks in surprise at you, blushing slightly as you close the door behind you and fold your arms.
"S-something wrong ___?" He asks.
"Lucy," You say with a frown. He pales, gulping.
"I-I'm sorry ___, but I... I..." He trails off, bracing himself as you cross the room toward him. He closes his eyes, waiting to be hit or something. You pause, looking at his tense face. You frown, cupping his face.
"Idiot," You breathe and bring his face down to yours, kissing him gently. "I love you too much to be mad," You whisper. He opens his eyes and meets yours.
"I love you too... I was so stupid not to realize before... Everything you did was for me... And you... All I've done is hurt you..." He murmurs, touching your cheek as his face floods with guilt. "I'm so sorry ___.... I'm such a fool..." He touches his forehead to yours.
"Sabo, please stop making that face.... I want to make you happy," You tell him softly, taking his hand.
"You've always been doing that... I want to be the one to make you happy now," He replies, putting your hand to his chest.
"You already do," You whisper.
"But I hurt you..." He reminds you, bowing his head in guilt. You frown and tip his chin up, kissing him again. He kisses back slowly, hands coming over your sides as yours glide up his muscular chest before curving around his neck. He pulls you into him, holding you close. Your break the kiss, looking into his eyes.
"You realize, that I have three crazy sons right?" You ask. He blinks and nods.
"I can handle them," He says with a smirk. You let out a doubtful breath and step out of his arms much to his disappointment.
"You say that now... Boys," You say promptly, folding your arms. The three fall into the room.
"So Mister, you think you're good enough for our mom?" Alex huffs, tapping a club over his hand with a smirk.
"We'll be the ones to decide that," Stone agrees, popping his knuckles. Lock nods in agreement. You smirk.
"Aren't they adorable?" You giggle.
"Why did I have to fall in love with you?" Sabo sighs.
"I don't know... Maybe you're as crazy as them?" You joke.
"GET HIM!!!" Alex howls.

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