Part 11

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    "Big Sis! He's doing it again!" A voice calls up to your window. You peer down at the sibling trio.

"Again!? That damn drunkard," You growl hopping out of the window. The boys step back as you land in front of them. "Pub?" You guess, straightening up and dusting yourself off. They nod and follow you to the tavern in time to see Taz, the drunkard, harassing some pretty blond woman who seemed about ready to slug him.
"Would you let go already you filthy bastard!?" She snaps. You smirk when you hear this.
"Now that's not how a lady should talk," Taz scolds.
"Why not? It seems appropriate," You speak up making the drunkard freeze as the woman looks over in shock.
"Wh-Why ___! I was just-"
"Setting up an appointment to be castrated eh? But you knew you could've just asked! I'd be more than happy to give you the same treatment as Ditzy." You say with a smile, unsheathing your arm blade. He pales and hits the ground at your feet.
"I-I swears I wasn't being uncivil! The lass was lookin for ya see? I was just trying to show her to youz!" He sobs. You blink and look toward the blonde who straightens up under your sharp gaze.
"Is that true Miss?" You ask. She blinks and nods.
"I-I was looking for you." She admits. You relax and pat Taz's back.
"I'm sorry then Taz... Next time just come tell me. Your size probably scared her," You tell him softly. He gets up, wiping away his tears.
"I-Iz trying ta get better ___! Iz really am!" He sniffs. You rub his arm.
"I know, I'm sorry," You sigh. He walks away sniffling and you turn to the blonde. "Sorry about him, he's not used to handling women properly, but he's getting better if you can believe it," You tell her with a slight smile. She blinks her blue orbs at you and shifts slightly.
"That so?" She muses.
"Yeah, so what can I do for ya?" You inquire.
"Oh... Well... I was just curious about the Revolutionary Army," She says looking down. You blink a few times.
"I don't know... You seem a bit.... Fragile," You tell her. She pauses and suddenly gives you a slightly familiar and defiant look. "Just kidding! Wow you are fiery!" You giggle, surprising her. "Come on, I'll tell you what you want over lunch, I'm hungry," You say before turning to the three boys. "You guys hungry?" You ask them.
"Yes!" Alex gasps.
"I know I am!" Stone comments.
"I could eat a horse!" Lock declares.
"That is one ferocious appetite Lock," You chuckle, making the blond boy giggle. You look toward the woman. "What do ya say Miss?" You ask. She blinks and smiles a bit.
"Okay," She murmurs. You lead the way to your favorite restaurant to eat at with the boys. They literally ran circles around you as you walked. You smirk at their adorable antics.
"So what's your name anyway?" You ask. She pauses briefly.
"Lucy," She tells you.
"Nice to meet ya, I'm ___, but you already know that..." You say sheepishly as you follow the boys in.
"Y-Yeah," She murmurs. You find a booth to sit in. The trio climb into your booth with you, leaving Lucy to sit alone across from you. Lock makes himself comfortable on your lap. You wait until everyone orders before speaking to the blonde again.
"So, what would ya like to know?" You ask, resting your chin on top of Lock's head. The boys were listening curiously since they were interested in the Revolutionaries too. The blonde shifts, briefly looking at the boys.
"Uh, sorry... But are these your kids?" She half jokes, motioning to the trio. You chuckle and smile.
"Why? You see the resemblance too?" You joke, putting your face next to Lock's. She blinks in surprise at your response. "No, but they might as well be." You muse, hugging the three and making them laugh. The blonde smiles softly before shaking her head.
"Anyways... May I ask why you are here and not with them?" She inquires. Your smile falters.
"It... Was just time to go... I'm sure you'd like it though." You tell her. She blinks, frowning a bit. "What? Do you want a better answer?" You ask.
"If that's not to much to ask," She replies. You start to rock side to side with Lock, thinking on what to say.
"I left because there wasn't much there for me anymore..." You murmur. She frowns at your sad reply, the boys shift at it as well. Alex suddenly stands up on the seat, looking angry.
"Dont look sad ___! If it helps, I'll go kick their ass!" He declares. You blink at the blond and giggle.
"Alex you sure are adorable," You chuckle. He frowns at you.
"But we're serious! Whoever made you sad needs a beat down!" Stone tells you.
"And castrated!" Lock pipes up. You and Lucy look at the boy in slight horror.
"Lock, only I can say that," You tell him calmly though you wanted to giggle. Lucy gulps and shifts uncomfortably.
"U-um.... Who's they?" She asks.
"I don't know, whoever this Sabo guy is," Alex huffs, folding his arms. You sigh and pat his head as the food comes to the table. Lucy blinks, seeming saddened by this.
"H-hey, listen... It was my fault! They're all really nice and supportive! Koala is a sweet heart and Sabo is a really cool guy..." You assure her swiftly.
"How was it your fault?" She asks quietly. You rub your neck with a sad smile.
"I became distant in an attempt to keep my word..." You murmur. "Can't blame him really... Maybe I went about it wrong?" You wonder.
"Your word?" She echoes. You blink and shake your head. Before you can say anything Stone suddenly throws a roll at someone, drawing the other two boys attention.
"That's the bastard who stole from us!" Stone roars, leaping up. The boys jump to their feet with a growl. They stop briefly to kiss your cheeks.
"Thanks for the food!" They say before dashing off. You lean on the table, watching after them with a half smile.
"Crazy boys..." You murmur in amusement.
"You're really good with them," Lucy comments.
"I try to be... But they're so wild...." You murmur, finishing your meal. "Anyway, I guarantee they won't turn you away, and you'll learn more once you get there," You add, putting the beri on the table before getting up. "Sorry if I wasn't very helpful..." You add.
"You're leaving?" Lucy asks, looking a bit sad.
"Yeah," You answer. You turn to walk away but she grabs your hand, making you stop.
"W-wait... Can I come with you? I.... I don't have anywhere to go.... And I, want to know you," She murmurs, looking down at her shoes. You pause and soften.
"Sure... Come with me."

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