Need a Drink

419 15 3

| Kaylin |

"What's up Joc?" I sighed walking into his room. "My girlfriend can't make it tonight but she really wants to meet you. So she might stop by tomorrow." Joc answered fixing his shirt. "Okay." I nodded. "By the way, looking cute gurlfrand!" He yelled, mimicking a valley girl. "Shut up." I laughed. "Take a pic for the gram honey!" He yelled once again. "Lets go downstairs." I laughed. 

"Hello party people!" Joc yelled. "Joc stop yelling. You're not even drunk yet." I laughed. I looked up to meet Corey's eyes. He was sitting with some girl and Cody. "How did you deal with this growing up." Trayce laughed from the kitchen. "We're basically the same person just different genders." I laughed. "But I'm obviously the better one." Joc winked. "If we're talking about looks, Kaylin won this round." Alex spoke walking into the room. "I agree with Wood." Cody laughed. "Don't hate because you can't have this." Joc said motioning to his body. "I need a drink." I sighed walking into the kitchen.

"Beer, a mixed drink, or tequila?" Trayce asked. "Beer." I answered.  "I won't tell anyone about what I walked in on. I just need to tell you — so you're graduating in a week right?" Trayce quickly changed the subject. "Excuse me Kaylin." Corey said trying to pass by. I moved out of the way to only bump into someone. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" I apologized. "Don't worry about it. It was my fault." the brunette assured. "I'm Madisyn by the way. I've never seen you around here." She continued. "I'm Kaylin. I'm Joc's best friend. I just got back from London so that's why we haven't met." I said. "Nice! What were you doing out there?" Madisyn asked. "An internship." I answered. "Here you go Kaylin." Trayce said handing me my beer. "Who are you here with?" I asked before taking a drink of my beer. "Corey. He's my boyfriend." Madisyn spoke causing me to choke on the beer.

"Kaylin are you okay?" Corey asked placing his hand on my back.  I nodded as I exited the kitchen and grabbing Joc on my way to the bathroom. "Hey what was that for! People are getting here." He complained. "Promise me you will not say anything to anyone." I said seriously.  "Promise. Do the handshake." Joc agreed. "Corey has a girlfriend right?" I asked. "Yup. But they're having problems." He shrugged. "After I was finished getting ready we sorta made out." I mumbled. "You what!" Joc yelled. "Shut up Joc!" I whispered hitting him. "Did he come on to you?" He asked angrily. "Yeah but no. He started leaning in first but I told him to kiss me already." I sighed,"And now I feel like an absolute bitch because I wouldn't have kissed him if I knew."

"Does anyone else know?" Joc asked. "Just Trayce because he caught us." I groaned. "Trayce! Come to the bathroom!" Joc yelled. "What the fuck no!" Trayce yelled back. "Trayce please!" Joc begged. Trayce let out a groan and showed up in the doorway. "What's going on here?" He asked. "We're having a meeting." Joc joked,"But in all seriousness, you caught Corey and Kaylin?"

We quickly finished up our meeting to walk out to see Corey and Madisyn still in the kitchen. "Kaylin!" Mariana called. "You look so pretty!" I said before hugging her. "So do you! Kike doesn't believe we're best friends now, huh babe." She laughed. "You guys just met how do you become best friends in a day?" He laughed. "Because we're soulmates." I joked. "Be right back babe. I'm going to find Turner." Kike told Mariana. "Seems like you got an admirer." Mariana smirked nodding towards the kitchen. I turned to see Corey just staring at me before realizing I was looking at him. "Too bad he has a girlfriend." She said as I turned back around. "Kaylin." I heard Corey call.

"Can we just talk about this?" Corey called after me. "No. We can't talk about this Corey! We kissed and you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" I semi shouted at him. "We're having problems Kaylin!" He shouted back. "That doesn't fucking mean anything! You're in a relationship Corey! I don't want this to come back to me! I don't even want to talk to you so just leave me alone so I can go with Joc." I sighed.

"I can't believe he didn't tell you." Mariana yelled over the music. I had explained everything to her. "I know. I'm so —" I tried to say. "Lets dance! Its my song!" Joc yelled in my ear before dragging me out to dance. "She a couple, couple, couple years younger but she badder than a motherfcker, ass fatter than a motherfcker." Joc sang along to MY PYT by Wale. Joc and I were dancing for a half of the song before I was pulled away by Bellinger. "Joc told me to dance with you for revenge."Cody said . I looked to Joc who mouthed 'Revenge.'

"You don't have too." I said into his ear. "Why would I pass up an opportunity to dance with someone as beautiful as you?"He said into my ear. I looked towards Mariana who nodded towards Corey. There he was watching every move I made with Cody. "Yeah lets dance." I smirked. I danced with Cody for about 4 songs until I seen Corey was gone and Madisyn was standing alone. "Thanks for dancing with me." I yelled before sitting down with Mariana. "Dude he looked pissed!"She laughed. "Good." I laughed. "I'm going to get my phone." I yelled.  I walked in to see Corey sitting on the counter drinking water. "Madisyn is alone just saying." I said walking past him. I grabbed my phone off of Joc's bed taking a quick picture in the mirror. I hurried down the stairs to see Madisyn and Corey making out in the kitchen. "Kaylin! Woah there. Sorry" Joc said awkwardly. "Joc lets go dance." I said grabbing him.

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