Kiss Me Already

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| Corey |

The whole ride home Joc and Kaylin were jamming out to whatever song came onto the radio. Occasionally she would turn around to sing to Tracye, Alex, or me. She was absolutely beautiful. She wasn't shy to be herself around us, being we've just met her today.

"Girlfriend." Trayce whispered to me as if he knew what I was thinking. "What are you talking about?" I whispered, trying to play it off. "I'm watching you watch her Corey. Don't act stupid." Trayce mumbled. "Me and Madisyn are having issues anyways." I shrugged. "Doesn't mean anything." Alex joined as we pulled into the driveway. "She probably has a boyfriend anyways.Because trust me, no woman is that attractive and single." Trayce whispered before getting off the car.

"Welcome to my crib!" Joc yelled making Kaylin laugh. "Actually ours." Trayce laughed. "Party starts in a hour so get ready. I'm going to hop in the shower." Joc said as we walked in.

"Joc! I need to finish getting ready!" I heard Kaylin yelling before giving up. "Um. All the bathrooms are busy. Joc said to ask you if I can use yours." Kaylin said appearing at my doorway. "Yeah. Go for it." I assured. "Thanks Corey." She smiled before walking into the bathroom. As she walked into the bathroom, I admired her curves in the tight tan dress she was wearing. 'Stop Corey.' I thought to myself. Here I was, drooling over a girl who may not want me. Even if she did, there was one thing stopping me. Madisyn. "Um, Corey?"Kaylin called, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I called back. "Can you help me with something?"She asked. "Yeah."I said walking into the bathroom. "Should I keep the necklace or put on this choker?" She asked. "Necklace."I mumbled. "Okay. I'm almost done, I just needed to fix my hair and makeup." Kaylin spoke. "No. It's fine take all the time you need.I just need to put on some cologne. I just need to get it from the cabinet." I reached over her. "Dude, you're so tall!"She laughed. "Why are you laughing, shorty."I joked spraying myself with the cologne. "Whatever."Kaylin laughed, putting lipstick on. "Tell me about yourself." I said, reaching over her again to put the bottle away.

"What do you want to know? I'm boring."She replied. "Just tell me about yourself. Like where you're from, how old you are, literally anything."I explained. I leant against the sink to look at her. "My full name is Kaylin Rose Garcia. I'm Hispanic. I've been best friends with Joc since we were babies. I'm the only child. I graduate from USC next week. I spent my last 2 years of college in London for an internship. I have a job offer from Universal Pictures. I haven't had a boyfriend since freshman year of college.And I just turned 22." Kaylin said. "What's your major?"I asked. "Movie and televison production." She said. "Nice. Why haven't you had a boyfriend in so long?" I eagerly asked. "Because the last one I had complained that I spent too much time with Joc and school."She shrugged. "Oh. By the way you look great." I said, quickly checking her out. "Thank you. So do you."She smiled. "Um, I should get going."She quietly said grabbing her makeup bag. "Wait."I began grabbing her hand before she left. I pulled her closer to me and flickered my eyes to her lips. We slowly began going in for the kiss. "Just kiss me already Corey." Kaylin whispered. I did as she told. The kiss started off slow and passionate before Kaylin dropped her bag and wrapped her arms around my neck. As the kiss deepend, I let my hands roam her body before resting them on her butt. "You're so tall." She laughed between kisses. I picked her up and sat her up on the sink.

"Better?"I asked. "Way better."She whispered before leaning back in. I began moving my hands up and down her sides before giving her boob a squeeze. "You look so hot." I mumbled. Kaylin began tugging at my hair causing little moans to escape my mouth. "Stop. You're going to drive me crazy." I moaned. "Good." She simply said. "Kaylin!" Joc yelled from his room. "Ignore him."I mumbled. "Corey. Ma-" Trayce said barging into the bathroom. "I'm so sorry." Trayce stuttered. "I should go." said an embarassed Kaylin. She quickly hopped of the sink and rushed past Trayce. "Dude. What was that for?"I snapped. "Um. I'm sorry but you have a girlfriend remember? And speaking of Madisyn she's downstairs waiting for you." Trayce argued. "Fuck." I mumbled. "You really fucked up on this Corey." He sighed.

I really hope this is good enough! Please let me know what you all think and please vote!Should I continue? Comment if I should. Vote and Comment!

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