"So," I say, once we're passed the gated driveway and onto the street, "what's your deal?"

Sebastian doesn't respond.

"You know..." I glance at him. "I didn't say 'let's go for a drive' so you can stare out the window with that depressed expression on your face like this is some sad music video. Talk."

He turns to look at me. "Why do you work for my father?"

"We've had this discussion, haven't we?"

"Not really."

I drum my fingers against the steering wheel and press down a little harder on the gas. "Why are you moving out?"

"Because living under my father's house makes me complicit." He shifts in his seat.

"To what?"

He looks at me with accusatory eyes. "To whatever it is you do."

"Me, personally?"

"If the shoe fits."

I shake my head. God. Imagine being so privileged.

"I don't know how you got involved with my father, but he is only going to drag you down."

"You don't strike me as the judgmental type." I tilt my head to the side. "But I don't know you very well, so maybe I'm wrong."

"Some people should be judged." He turned in his seat so his body was inclined towards me. "When I was nine years old, I got bullied by this other kid, Adam. It was relentless. He would push me around, take my shit, call me names, make fun of me in class. I was shy and I didn't have a ton of friends. Plus, being the rich boy with the dad who was allegedly tied to a criminal organization didn't help. No one could prove it of course, but that didn't stop the whispers."

"So relatable," I mutter sarcastically under my breath.

"One day I came home with a broken nose. Adam pushed me, and I fell face forward to the ground. Gary lost it." Sebastian laughs, but it sounds dry and unamused. "He was pissed. Mostly at me for not standing up to myself."

"That sounds like Gary."

"He told me to invite Adam over. And I was a naïve kid who thought that maybe my dad just wanted to talk to him. Maybe the kid would see our big house and cool shit and want to be friends with me."

"That's..." Sad. I don't say that. I press my lips together and wait for him to continue.

"The next day, I find out that Adam was suspended for bringing drugs into the school. Cocaine. An entire brick. His father—who I eventually learned was a junkie—was arrested and Adam had to go with Child Services."

My lips part to say something, but words fail me. I wasn't too surprised. Gary was one insane motherfucker. And the worst thing you could do to him is do something to his children. Noticing my silence, Sebastian nods.

"Yeah. That's my father for you."

Again, my head shakes. "I'm well aware of your father's capabilities. So why tell me that

Vindictive #4 Where stories live. Discover now