6. the messenger

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Her eyes are red and her fingers are bony. She clutches the bills tightly, as if she's worried the wind will blow it away. She's shaking. Of course she is. She's in nothing but a tank top, a skirt, and sandals. She's skinny as hell—no meat to protect her from the chilly weather. I don't even think she notices. She smiles when she sees me and waves her hand in the air. She's talking as she approaches the car, but I'm barely paying any attention. I shrug off my jacket and toss it through the window at her. She stumbled back as it hits her chest and looks at me in confusion.

"Put it on, Hanna."

She nods and does what I say. When she's finished, she pushed her head in my window. "I got two hundred."

I grimace. "You need a shower."

"I need a high," Hanna giggles. She drops the money in my lap. "Come on."

I stare blankly at her. "You need a shower and you need to eat."

"Okay. I will. I paid you, come on."

"Look at me."

She's too busy peering in my car. "You do have it, right?"

"Look at me!" I snap.

Her eyes meet mine. "Jeez, buzzkill. What?"

"You're pregnant. You're going to kill your baby. You need to get clean."

"My baby? No, my baby's fine. Doctor said so. Said the baby is perfectly healthy—no issues at all."

"You're lying."

"No." She pouted. "Swear to God. Cross my chest, hope to die."

"Yeah, you're gonna die alright," I muttered, unlocking the passenger side door.


"You're lying," I tell her. I grab the backpack off the floor by my feet. "Here."

She snatches it and opens the bag, peering inside. Her face lights up like a Christmas tree. I roll my eyes and lean back.

"Get in," I say after a second. She hesitates. "Get in. I'm driving you to your cousin's house."

"Mmm-mm. My cousin doesn't want me staying with her."

"So where are you staying?"


"Who the fuck is Johnny?"

"Johnny!" She exclaimed like that was supposed to trigger a reaction. "He's my boyfriend."

When the hell did she get a—no, never mind. Not my fucking concern.

"Where does Johnny live?"

"He's staying at MGM."

I blink. We stare at each other for a few seconds in silence. "MGM?" I echo.

She nods. "Yeah."

"MGM. The hotel." I clarify, my eyebrows rased.

She nods and bounces around the car, climbing into the passenger seat. "Are you going to take me?"

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